The Influence of Specific, Contextual and Nonspecific Effects on Clinical Outcomes in Individuals with Neck Pain.

Date Added
December 13th, 2024
PRO Number
Bryan O'Halloran

List of Studies

Muscle, Pain, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Studies

We are looking to examine the various factors that contribute to the changes seen with Physical Therapy for chronic neck pain. These factors include the components of care involving the way a patient perceives their pain or disability, as well as the interaction with their care giver, which contribute to the effect of the Physical Therapy (PT) treatment. The study will assign subjects to one of three groups. The first group will receive a manual therapy treatment approach, the second will receive a simulated manual therapy treatment approach and the third will receive no treatment and act as a waitlist control. This design will allow us to tease out the effects of the treatment itself compared with the other factors which may contribute to change as well as any improvement which occurs as result of natural history. You will be seen for an initial assessment where you will complete surveys and measurements will be performed looking at how far you can move and the way that you move your neck. You will then be seen for 3 additional visits weekly over the next three weeks if you are assigned to the manual therapy or simulated manual therapy group. You will be seen for an initial visit and a follow up after three weeks if you are assigned to the waitlist/control group. All groups will complete the surveys and have repeat measurements performed at the final follow up visit.

Recruitment Contact
Bryan O'Halloran

A Comparison of Specific and Shared Effects Associated with Physical Therapy Interventions

Date Added
July 2nd, 2024
PRO Number
Bryan O'Halloran

List of Studies

Exercise, Muscle, Pain, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Studies

The purpose of this study is to evaluate how certain procedures work for individuals with chronic neck pain.

Individuals who are 18 years of age or older and have chronic neck pain will participate in this study. The study involves randomly assigning individuals into two treatment groups (i.e. manual therapy and resistance exercise). Both treatments are recommended treatments and are part of clinical practice guidelines and are well supported in the literature.

Participants will be asked to complete a 4-week training program which includes physical examination, education, treatment, and an exercise plan. Participants will also complete a brief set of questionnaires at their baseline visit, 4 weeks, and 6 months after their initial visit

Recruitment Contact
Bryan O'Halloran

Development of a mHealth Post-Stroke Home Exercise Program with Remote Monitoring and Intervention

Date Added
May 21st, 2024
PRO Number
Na Jin Seo

List of Studies

Exercise, Movement Disorders, Nervous System, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Studies, Stroke, Stroke Recovery

Adherence to home exercise is important to achieve upper limb recovery after stroke. However, adherence is typically low. Therefore, a new home exercise program with an Apple Watch and iPhone app was created to improve adherence to upper limb exercises for stroke survivors at home. Participants will come to our lab to experience the new home exercise program. Participants who opt for home use will bring the device home to try the new home exercise program at home. The purpose of this study is for researchers to examine usability and feasibility of participants using the new home exercise program.

Recruitment Contact
Ja'Quann Gallant

Attention to Movement in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients: Testing a Novel Movement Simulation Paradigm

Date Added
June 22nd, 2023
PRO Number
Pradeep Kumar Sahu

List of Studies

Anxiety, Pain, Physical Therapy

Anxiety related to movement has been found related to pain, disability and activity avoidance in persistent low back pain. Therefore, it significantly impact on the person's performance of daily activities. The current method of measuring anxiety related to movement in low back pain has been by using questions. However, the questions do not address anxiety related to specific movement and activities. Therefore, it is important to determine whether we can obtain the physiological change in anxiety (heart rate, skin response, and respiratory rate) by using some novel protocol where the participants will be imagining pictures of daily activities tasks. We will simultaneously measure their physiological anxiety-related responses which are temporary in nature and they usually perceive during their daily activities. Furthermore, we will provide initial idea on does the full questionnaires or items in the questionnaires are measuring anxiety related to movement or not, which can be considered in future large studies.

Recruitment Contact
Pradeep Kumar Sahu
839-201-5478 (recruitment coordinator cell number) 8037772627 (Applied NeuroMechanics Lab number) (recruitment coordinator email) (Applied NeuroMechanics Lab number)

EMG-Controlled Game to Retrain Upper Extremity Muscle Activation Patterns Following Stroke

Date Added
November 22nd, 2022
PRO Number
Na Jin Seo

List of Studies

Exercise, Movement Disorders, Muscle, Nervous System, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Studies, Stroke, Stroke Recovery

The purpose of this study is to develop and test if upper limb task practice and muscle activity training improve upper limb function in stroke survivors. Participants will be asked to come to the laboratory 3 times a week for 6 weeks to receive upper limb task practice and/or muscle activity training. Participants will also come to the laboratory for additional 3 visits for assessments of upper extremity function. The total duration of the study will be 2.5 months.

Recruitment Contact
Kristen Coupland

The effect of a collaborative art therapy and physical therapy intervention on children undergoing a hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT): a randomized clinical trial

Date Added
July 5th, 2022
PRO Number
Cynthia Dodds

List of Studies

Physical Therapy

The purpose of this study is to compare the effect of a combination of art therapy (AT) and physical therapy (PT) to PT only in children undergoing hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT). Each child will receive daily AT and PT or only PT for 5 days per week for 2 weeks. These sessions will begin approximately on day 15 following the transplant. Prior to starting the sessions and following 2-weeks of sessions, we will measure your self-care and mobility skills. During each session, heart rate variability (i.e., time between heart beats) using a small monitor on the chest (about the size of a quarter), walking distance using an accelerometer (similar to wearing a watch), and self-reported happiness and excitability will be measured. Although results cannot be guaranteed, it is expected each group will benefit and demonstrate improvements in emotional state, self-care, and mobility skills.

Recruitment Contact
Cynthia Dodds

Perinatal Arterial Stroke: A Multi-site RCT of Intensive Infant Rehabilitation (I-ACQUIRE)

Date Added
August 26th, 2021
PRO Number
Cynthia Dodds

List of Studies

Brain, Infant, Movement Disorders, Pediatrics, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Studies, Stroke, Stroke Recovery

Constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) is the most efficacious treatment for children with hemiparesis from a perinatal arterial stroke but instead, weekly low-dose OT and/or PT is typical. The aims of this study are to compare 2 high doses of treatment to usual care in helping infants improve skills on the hemiplegic hand/arm and to improve bimanual activities. In addition, the association with gross motor, language and cognition will be explored.

Recruitment Contact
Patricia Coker-Bolt

Neurophysiological characterization of dry needling in people with spasticity due to stroke

Date Added
March 3rd, 2020
PRO Number
Aiko Thompson

List of Studies

Central Nervous System, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Studies, Stroke, Stroke Recovery

The study team is recruiting 20 adults with spasticity due to chronic stroke and 20 adults with no neurological injuries for a 4 day study over 1 week. In people with chronic stroke, one of the most common and disabling problems is spasticity (increased muscle tone or muscle stiffness). The purpose of this research study is to examine effects of dry needling on the nervous system (pathways between the muscle, spinal cord, and brain) in people with spasticity due to chronic stroke. Dry needling is a procedure in which a thin, stainless steel needle is inserted into your skin to produce a muscle twitch response. It is intended to release a knot in your muscle and relieve pain.

The total study duration is 4 visits over one week. The first visit will take about 1.5 hours, during which the study team will determine the best electrode placement and create a removeable cast of your arm or leg to aid in placing electrodes in the next visits. The second visit will take about 3 hours, during which dry needling will take place, and the fourth and fifth visits will take about 1.5 hour. During all visits you will be asked to participate in examinations of reflexes (muscle responses to non-invasive nerve stimulation) and arm/leg function.

Recruitment Contact
Blair Dellenbach

Concomitant sensory stimulation during therapy to enhance hand functional recovery post stroke

Date Added
August 6th, 2019
PRO Number
Na Jin Seo

List of Studies

Aging, Exercise, Movement Disorders, Nervous System, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Studies, Stroke, Stroke Recovery

Hand disability after stroke has a profound negative impact on functional ability and independence. Hand therapy may be augmented with sensory stimulation for better outcomes. We have developed a novel sensory stimulation - unfelt vibration applied via a wristwatch. Participants will receive this novel stimulation with hand task practice therapy or therapy only to determine if use of this stimulation is better for recovery.

Recruitment Contact
Kristen Coupland

Measurement of gait mechanics and movement in the lower extremity amputee

Date Added
October 30th, 2018
PRO Number
Aaron Embry

List of Studies

Exercise, Movement Disorders, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Studies

Walking after a lower extremity amputation is often difficult. It is important that researchers and clinicians understand the mechanisms that inhibit normal walking function. In this study, we are recruiting individuals with lower extremity limb loss for a walking and balance investigation. We will also be studying matched healthy controls to do similar study procedures. All study procedures will occur on the campus of MUSC by a licensed Physical Therapist and experienced researcher. Any questions should be directed to the coordinator listed.

Recruitment Contact
Aaron Embry

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