The purpose of this study is to better understand how practicing a new skill builds a stable memory and how this memory is maintained over time as one gets older. A better understanding how memories are controlled in healthy aging may help to develop better treatments for memory problems.
The study's main question is how the different brain regions communicate with each other when one is retrieving memories of a well-practiced skill. Specifically, when and where the brain waves that are related to skill memory are produced. The brief changes in the brain will be recorded with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), a medical technology that looks at blood flow in the brain. To assess electrical changes in the brain, the brain waves, electroencephalography (EEG) will be used. Combining EEG and fMRI will allow the precise detection of the exact location where the brain is active at any moment in time.
This study is conducted at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). The study will take about one to two weeks and involves two visits to MUSC including an interview and combined brain recording and brain scan during task practice (EEG-fMRI) and up to 7 days of online skill practice at home. Volunteers in this research study must be free of any brain disease or brain injuries and have to be in good health status. Approximately 40 volunteers will take part in this study.
As people get older, understanding speech in a noisy environment can become more difficult. The MUSC Hearing Research Program is seeking healthy adults between 25 and 89 years of age to participate in a research study to investigate the connection between listening difficulties and the brain. Payment is provided for participation and scheduling is flexible. The study involves two visits. Participants must be able to complete an MRI. Please contact us if you would like to participate in this research or learn more about our study.
The Patient Registry for Participation in Aging/Alzheimer's Research (PREPARE) is a database of individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment who are interested in participating in research on aging/Alzheimer's disease and related dementias conducted at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). PREPARE will connect MUSC researchers with potential participants so they can provide information about studies for which they may be eligible. PREPARE will also collect survey data from people with Mild Cognitive Impairment and their study partners to better understand the impact of this condition on daily functioning.
For this study, we are recruiting 54 individuals with Parkinson's Disease and Freezing of Gait (FOG) who are planning to undergo Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). The objective of this study is to better understand the FOG response to DBS. Prior to DBS study participants will undergo a MRI scan, behavioral assessment related to walking, a cognitive evaluation, and assessment of other Parkinson's disease symptoms. Following DBS participants will repeat these assessments at multiple timepoints over the period of one year. Overall, participants will complete a total of 7 visits over a period of approximately 1 year.
The purpose of this study is to measure the effects of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) on the female voice. Female individuals who are receiving hormone replacement therapy, which includes testosterone therapy, will be eligible to participate. We will track the pitch of these individuals' speaking voices during HRT in attempts to see whether HRT, specifically testosterone, can lead to changes in womens' speaking voices. We will be recruiting participants who have already received approx 6-9 months of HRT and compare these to age-matched individuals not receiving HRT. This is a cross-sectional study and we will give participants the option of continued follow-up for 9 more months to assess whether there are longer-term voice changes secondary to HRT. This could provide patients and medical providers with more information regarding the risks/benefits of pursuing hormone replacement therapy.
The goal of this study is to evaluate sex and gender differences across adulthood (18+) in reasons for using cannabis and the perceived severity of consequences associated with cannabis use. We are also interested in understanding how these reasons for cannabis use and perceived severity of consequences are related to other mental and physical health factors. Interested individuals will first complete a brief screening survey. Based on the results of this screening survey, eligible participants will immediately be invited to complete the survey remotely online via a secure web-link. Participants can expect to complete the survey in 30-45 minutes and will be reimbursed $30 via electronic gift card (e.g., Amazon).