B cells and Plasma Cells in Black Female Patients with SLE. Mechanistic Basis of Disease Heterogeneity.

Date Added
October 25th, 2021
PRO Number
Gary Gilkeson

List of Studies

Healthy Volunteer Studies, Lupus

The goal of this study is to determine the differences in severity and disparities of lupus in Black lupus patients, focusing on the highest risk group, Black females. We are interested in enrolling Black females with lupus as well as smaller numbers of White females with lupus, White females as Healthy Controls and Black males with lupus.

Study participation involves the collection of 4 tablespoons of blood. Patients with lupus will have their study participation during a standard of care (SOC) visit with their rheumatologist as part having routine blood drawn for their lupus care. After the initial study visit, patients with lupus may have an additional 2-3 visits. Controls will have a single study visit at the MUSC Nexus clinical research center.

This is not a clinical trial and does not involve study medications. Compensation is available for participation.

Recruitment Contact
Andrea Semler

Investigate the mechanism of autoreactive B cell-mediated immunological failure despite virologic suppression in HIV-infected individuals on antiretroviral therapy

Date Added
October 22nd, 2021
PRO Number
Wei Jiang

List of Studies

HIV / AIDS, Healthy Volunteer Studies

This study is to find the causes of treatment failure in some HIV patients. Thus, HIV-infected patients under antiretroviral treatment and uninfected healthy controls will be recruited in this study to donate blood, urine, saliva, and nasal swab. Compensation will be paid for you to participate in this study.

Recruitment Contact
Wei Jiang

In Our DNA SC: A Helix Research Network Study

Date Added
October 19th, 2021
PRO Number
Daniel Judge

List of Studies

Genetics, Healthy Volunteer Studies

The purpose of this project is to study DNA and its connection to your health. DNA is in your blood, your saliva, and other tissues in your body. DNA is the unique instructions you are born with that tells your body how to work. By looking at DNA, you can learn information about your health, certain traits, and even your ancestral roots. DNA is also called your genetic information. DNA is mostly the same from person to person. But everyone's DNA is slightly different. We are still learning how DNA impacts health. This study will look at the DNA of many different people from many different backgrounds and compare it to information in their health records. The goal is to understand how learning about DNA can help improve health care for individuals, families, and the community.

Participants will provide a sample for DNA sequencing. Sequencing is the process of reading the letters of your DNA. This study may sequence your whole genome. Over time, you may be asked to provide additional samples for research purposes. The research team will collect health information about you from your medical record and may ask you questions about your health using surveys or other data collection method.

Recruitment Contact
Sarah English
(843) 876-0582

In Our DNA SC: A Helix Research Network Study

Date Added
October 19th, 2021
PRO Number
Daniel Judge

List of Studies

Genetics, Healthy Volunteer Studies

The purpose of this project is to study DNA and its connection to your health. DNA is in your blood, your saliva, and other tissues in your body. DNA is the unique instructions you are born with that tells your body how to work. By looking at DNA, you can learn information about your health, certain traits, and even your ancestral roots. DNA is also called your genetic information. DNA is mostly the same from person to person. But everyone's DNA is slightly different. We are still learning how DNA impacts health. This study will look at the DNA of many different people from many different backgrounds and compare it to information in their health records. The goal is to understand how learning about DNA can help improve health care for individuals, families, and the community.

Participants will provide a sample for DNA sequencing. Sequencing is the process of reading the letters of your DNA. This study may sequence your whole genome. Over time, you may be asked to provide additional samples for research purposes. The research team will collect health information about you from your medical record and may ask you questions about your health using surveys or other data collection method.

MUSC Health Florence Medical Center
Recruitment Contact
Sarah English
(843) 876-0582

In Our DNA SC: A Helix Research Network Study

Date Added
October 19th, 2021
PRO Number
Daniel Judge

List of Studies

Genetics, Healthy Volunteer Studies

The purpose of this project is to study DNA and its connection to your health. DNA is in your blood, your saliva, and other tissues in your body. DNA is the unique instructions you are born with that tells your body how to work. By looking at DNA, you can learn information about your health, certain traits, and even your ancestral roots. DNA is also called your genetic information. DNA is mostly the same from person to person. But everyone's DNA is slightly different. We are still learning how DNA impacts health. This study will look at the DNA of many different people from many different backgrounds and compare it to information in their health records. The goal is to understand how learning about DNA can help improve health care for individuals, families, and the community.

Participants will provide a sample for DNA sequencing. Sequencing is the process of reading the letters of your DNA. This study may sequence your whole genome. Over time, you may be asked to provide additional samples for research purposes. The research team will collect health information about you from your medical record and may ask you questions about your health using surveys or other data collection method.

MUSC Health Lancaster Medical Center
Recruitment Contact
Sarah English
(843) 876-0582

In Our DNA SC: A Helix Research Network Study

Date Added
October 19th, 2021
PRO Number
Daniel Judge

List of Studies

Genetics, Healthy Volunteer Studies

The purpose of this project is to study DNA and its connection to your health. DNA is in your blood, your saliva, and other tissues in your body. DNA is the unique instructions you are born with that tells your body how to work. By looking at DNA, you can learn information about your health, certain traits, and even your ancestral roots. DNA is also called your genetic information. DNA is mostly the same from person to person. But everyone's DNA is slightly different. We are still learning how DNA impacts health. This study will look at the DNA of many different people from many different backgrounds and compare it to information in their health records. The goal is to understand how learning about DNA can help improve health care for individuals, families, and the community.

Participants will provide a sample for DNA sequencing. Sequencing is the process of reading the letters of your DNA. This study may sequence your whole genome. Over time, you may be asked to provide additional samples for research purposes. The research team will collect health information about you from your medical record and may ask you questions about your health using surveys or other data collection method.

MUSC Health Columbia Medical Center
Recruitment Contact
Sarah English
(843) 876-0582

Social factors, epigenomics, and lupus in African American women (SELA)

Date Added
August 17th, 2021
PRO Number
Diane Kamen

List of Studies

Autoimmune disease, Environmental Factors, Ethnicity and Disease, Genetics, Healthy Volunteer Studies, Lupus, Minorities, Women's Health

The goal of this study is to understand how positive and negative social experiences affect epigenetic marks and gene function, and thereby influence lupus in African American women. This study requires one study visit to answer a few questionnaires and donate a blood sample. We are looking for volunteers with and without lupus to participate. Compensation is available.

Recruitment Contact
Lusawasra King

RTMS manipulates imbalanced drive-reward and executive control circuitry for smoking cessation

Date Added
March 2nd, 2021
PRO Number
Xingbao Li

List of Studies

Brain, Healthy Volunteer Studies, Smoking

Cigarette smoking is a significant public health concern. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive form of brain stimulation that has already displayed remarkable potential for producing novel, non-pharmacological interventions for depression and cigarette smokers. In this study, we will use brain MRI to guide TMS therapy for smoking cessation.

Recruitment Contact
Xingbao Li
(843) 792-5729

Aging Brain Cohort Study-Longitudinal

Date Added
August 23rd, 2019
PRO Number
Julius Fridriksson

List of Studies

Aging, Brain, Healthy Volunteer Studies

This study will examine the behaviors and brains of adults between the ages of 60 and 80. Our goal is to better understand changes associated with the aging process. This includes potential changes in behavior/cognition as well as potential biomarkers for these changes (i.e. biological data like DNA, brain scans or brain activity that are related to these changes). Participants in the study will complete a number of tests that measure their cognitive, language, and sensory abilities. We will collect information about their brains using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) and we will collect information about their genes using DNA extracted from blood samples. We will examine and compare the relationship between brain and behavior at 2 time points for the same 200 individuals. All data collected in this study will be stored in the Aging Brain Cohort repository study.

Recruitment Contact
Briana Davis
803 576-8420

Neuroimaging to Examine Behavior

Date Added
May 21st, 2019
PRO Number
Amber Jarnecke

List of Studies

Alcohol, Anxiety, Brain, Healthy Volunteer Studies, Mental Health, Non-interventional, Stress Disorders, Substance Use

This study will examine the neural circuitry associated with craving, behavioral disinhibition, and threat-reactivity. The study will involve 2 visits. During the first visit, participants will complete questionnaires and interviews in a private room and do some tests to measure alcohol use. During the second visit, participants will complete a neuroimaging scan of their brain.

Recruitment Contact
Amber Jarnecke

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