This is a Phase III, multicenter, multinational, operationally seamless 2-stage study. The study will be conducted in 2 stages: Stage 1 and Stage 2. Participants will take part in either Stage 1 or Stage 2.Each stage has a randomized, 24-week double-blind, placebo controlled study period (Week 0 to Week 23), to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a SC treatment regimen of anifrolumab (120 mg, once weekly dosing) in adult participants with chronic and/or subacute CLE. The primary endpoint will be assessed at Week 24. The doubleblind, placebo-controlled study period of 24 weeks will be followed by an open-label, uncontrolled treatment period in which all participants will receive SC treatment with anifrolumab (120 mg, once weekly) from Week 24 to Week 51. After the open label treatment period, participants will enter a 12-week Safety Follow-up Period. The study will be performed in approximately 460 adult participants aged 18 to 70 years (inclusive). Stage 1 of the study is planned to be performed in approximately 100 participants (n ~ 50 per treatment arm). Stage 2 of the study is planned to be performed in approximately 360 participants (n ~ 180 per treatment arm).
The goal of this study is to determine if an investigational product (a substance not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration) made from mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) and taken as a single subcutaneous injection, is safe and well tolerated in individuals with active lupus while also receiving standard of care treatment for their lupus.
The MSCs used in this trial are cells that were obtained from the umbilical cords of healthy donors having an elective Caesarean section and who have been screened to be sure that they are free of any infectious diseases.
Participation in the study will take about 9 visits and 2 telephone calls over a period of 7 months. With participation, compensation is available.
At study visits you will have blood and urine labs collected, physical exam/lupus specific assessments, and be asked to complete a questionnaire. These procedures are much like those completed at your routine standard of care visits with your rheumatologist.
The risks to study participation are that only a few hundred people worldwide have been treated with MSCs. So far, there have been no serious side effects when MSCs have been used. Potential risks could however include an allergic reaction to the cells, development of infection, or MSCs changing into cancer cells.
Prior to any use of the MSC injection, participants will have a thorough review of the study and given an opportunity to consider their options and have all questions/concerns answered. A screening visit will be completed to ensure that participation is appropriate - participant safety is a priority of the study.
This is an observational non-medication study. The purpose of this study is to understand the immune system in people who are at risk for developing systemic lupus erythematosus ("lupus" or "SLE"). The investigators hope to develop better ways to predict who will get lupus and possibly come up with ideas for new treatments that can prevent or treat the disease.
Participants will be asked to complete 4 annual study visits and monthly telephone contacts with the study team over the course of 3 years. Visits will include a physical exam, collection of blood and urine, and the completion of some surveys/questionnaires about your health and wellbeing. The monthly phone calls will be a brief contact to check on any changes in your health and should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.
Compensation is available for participation.
The purpose of this research study is to determine how well and safe deucravacitinib, an investigational/non-approved United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) medication, is in treating Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE, lupus).
Participation in the study will involve being assigned deucravacitinib or a placebo (a drug that looks likes the study medication but does not contain any medication) and completing a series of in person clinic visits much like those completed as part of standard of care. Blood and urine samples will be collected for both routine health and safety tests as well as research/experimental testing.
The study will require 16 visits over a period of 14 months. There is an optional extension to the study possible, should you wish to continue and the study doctor feels that you remain a good candidate for participation. Study medication is provided and compensation is available for participation.
The purpose of this study is to determine if the investigational (not FDA approved) drug VIB4920 can be an effective treatment for patients with active Lupus Nephritis (LN).
This study will compare treatment with MMF (mycophenolate mofetil), Prednisone, plus the study medication VIB4920 to treatment with MMF and Prednisone alone.
Participants will have up to 15 scheduled visits that will involve routine monitoring of disease activity, up to two kidney biopsies, and blood and urine specimen collections. Participation in this study will last approximately 1 year and 2 months. Compensation is available for participation.
The goal of this study is to determine the differences in severity and disparities of lupus in Black lupus patients, focusing on the highest risk group, Black females. We are interested in enrolling Black females with lupus as well as smaller numbers of White females with lupus, White females as Healthy Controls and Black males with lupus.
Study participation involves the collection of 4 tablespoons of blood. Patients with lupus will have their study participation during a standard of care (SOC) visit with their rheumatologist as part having routine blood drawn for their lupus care. After the initial study visit, patients with lupus may have an additional 2-3 visits. Controls will have a single study visit at the MUSC Nexus clinical research center.
This is not a clinical trial and does not involve study medications. Compensation is available for participation.
This is a study looking at the effects of Belimumab, a medication approved by the FDA to treat lupus, in people who have been recently diagnosed with lupus. It proposes that the early use of Belimumab may prevent long-term tissue damage from the disease. The study will last 2 years with clinic visits every 4 weeks.
The purpose of this study is to create and maintain a registry, which is a database (a searchable collection of information) about children, adolescents and young adults with pediatric onset of rheumatic diseases. This data may help in the evaluation of the safety and benefit of medications that are prescribed to patients who have rheumatic diseases.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) obtained from umbilical cords for the treatment of adults with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The goal of this study is to determine if patients receiving an MSC infusion plus standard of care respond better than patients receiving a placebo infusion plus standard of care.
Systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus; SLE), Systemic Sclerosis (scleroderma; SSc) and Systemic Vasculitis (SV) are relatively rare rheumatic diseases that disproportionately impact the African American community, and particularly African American women. The causes of lupus, scleroderma and vasculitis are unknown, but thought to include both genetic and environmental factors. We are enrolling lupus, scleroderma, and vasculitis patients, and healthy control subjects. This is not a drug study. The purpose of this study is to better understand the factors that predispose people to develop lupus, scleroderma, and vasculitis. Information about medical, social and family history, medications, physical exam findings, and laboratory tests will be collected for analysis. This study will involve approximately 1360 volunteers.