The goal of this study is to determine if an investigational product (a substance not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration) made from mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) and taken as a single subcutaneous injection, is safe and well tolerated in individuals with active lupus while also receiving standard of care treatment for their lupus.
The MSCs used in this trial are cells that were obtained from the umbilical cords of healthy donors having an elective Caesarean section and who have been screened to be sure that they are free of any infectious diseases.
Participation in the study will take about 9 visits and 2 telephone calls over a period of 7 months. With participation, compensation is available.
At study visits you will have blood and urine labs collected, physical exam/lupus specific assessments, and be asked to complete a questionnaire. These procedures are much like those completed at your routine standard of care visits with your rheumatologist.
The risks to study participation are that only a few hundred people worldwide have been treated with MSCs. So far, there have been no serious side effects when MSCs have been used. Potential risks could however include an allergic reaction to the cells, development of infection, or MSCs changing into cancer cells.
Prior to any use of the MSC injection, participants will have a thorough review of the study and given an opportunity to consider their options and have all questions/concerns answered. A screening visit will be completed to ensure that participation is appropriate - participant safety is a priority of the study.
The purpose of this study is to learn more about long-term safety (good or bad effects) of avacopan and its efficacy (how well it is working) in treatment of antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis.
Avacopan is currently approved as an adjunctive (another treatment used along with primary treatment) treatment in adult people with severe active ANCA-associated vasculitis in the US and is also approved in the EU, Canada, Japan, and other countries.
In this study, avacopan will be compared with a placebo (a drug that looks likes the study medication but does not contain any medication). This is a randomized study, meaning that you will be assigned by chance (like flipping a coin) into a treatment group. You will have an equal chance of being placed in either of the 3 following groups: treatment with avacopan for 5 years in group A, or treatment with avacopan for 1 year followed by placebo for 4 years in group B, or treatment with placebo for 5 years in group C. The study is also a double-blinded study, meaning you and your study doctor will not know what you are receiving, the avacopan or placebo.
The study is sponsored by Amgen, Inc. Participation in the study will require 27 visits to the MUSC main campus over approximately 63 months, and visits will include the following procedures: blood draw, urine collection, physician-led assessments of your disease (for example physical exam and medical history review), and health questionnaires. You will also be provided with a paper diary to record any missed doses/overdoses of the study drug.
Compensation is available for participation.
The purpose of this study is to test whether a drug called NS-229 (the study drug) is a potential treatment for patients with Eosinophilic Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis (EGPA).
NS-229 is an investigational drug that is provided in an oral pill form. An investigational drug is not approved by The US Food and Drug Administration. It can only be used in a research study like this one. In this study, NS-229 will be compared with a placebo (dummy drug), having no active drug in it. This is a randomized study, meaning that you will be assigned by chance (like flipping a coin) to receive either the study drug or placebo. The study is also double-blinded study, meaning you and your study doctor will not know what you are receiving, the NS-229 or placebo.
The study is sponsored by a NS Pharma, Inc. Participation in the study will require 12 visits to the MUSC main campus over approximately 8 months. Visits are much like the your standard of care and include the following procedures: blood draw, urine collection, physician-led assessments of your disease (for example physical exam and medical history review), tests to assess your lung function and health (Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) and spirometry, health questionnaires. You will also be asked to complete a daily diary regarding your medication use and vasculitis symptoms.
Compensation is available for participation
The purpose of this research study is to determine how well and safe deucravacitinib, an investigational/non-approved United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) medication, is in treating Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE, lupus).
Participation in the study will involve being assigned deucravacitinib or a placebo (a drug that looks likes the study medication but does not contain any medication) and completing a series of in person clinic visits much like those completed as part of standard of care. Blood and urine samples will be collected for both routine health and safety tests as well as research/experimental testing.
The study will require 16 visits over a period of 14 months. There is an optional extension to the study possible, should you wish to continue and the study doctor feels that you remain a good candidate for participation. Study medication is provided and compensation is available for participation.