Evaluating INClisiran as a soLUtion to improve LDL-C management and cloSe care gaps in an Inclusive ASCVD and ASCVD risk equivalent populatiON (VICTORION-INCLUSION)

Date Added
November 26th, 2024
PRO Number
Ashley Waring

List of Studies

Cholesterol, Drug Studies, Heart, Men's Health, Women's Health

This study is enrolling participants with heart disease or at high risk of developing heart disease who are already taking a cholesterol lowering medication referred to as a statin. This study is specifically seeking participants who are historically underrepresented in cardiovascular clinical trials including females, and racial/ethnic minorities, as well as those living in rural areas. This study involves the medication inclisiran which is an approved medication to help lower "bad" cholesterol. In this study participants will be randomized meaning assigned by chance to receive inclisiran along with usual care or not receive inclisiran and will continue usual care for the first 360 days. You will have a 50:50 chance, like flipping a coin, to receive inclisiran. Those participants who are randomized to not receive inclisiran initially will then receive it after day 360 and continue in the study for another 360 days so up to day 720. Participation will take up to 7 study visits.

Study related procedures include collecting medical history, demographics, questionnaires and blood work, as well as receive inclisiran as a shot just under the skin every 4 months. Study related risks include injection site reactions, joint pain or stiffness, bronchitis or an allergic reaction. There is also a risk of loss of confidentiality.

Recruitment Contact
Olivia Washington

PRagmatic EValuation of evENTs And Benefits of Lipid-lowering in oldEr adults (PREVENTABLE)

Date Added
March 6th, 2023
PRO Number
Leslie Lenert

List of Studies

Cholesterol, Dementia, Drug Studies, Geriatrics, Healthy Volunteer Studies, Heart, Memory Loss, Stroke Recovery

The purpose of this research study is to determine if an already FDA approved drug called atorvastatin can help adults, age 75 or older, live well for longer by preventing dementia, disability, or heart disease. Participants will be assigned by chance to receive either atorvastatin (study drug) or a matching placebo (a tablet that looks like atorvastatin but does not contain any medicine). Study engagement may last up to five years and involves in clinic and/or remote visits, survey questions, potential blood draws, in addition to memory and physical tests. After the first 1-2 visits performed in clinic or remote, the study team will follow-up via phone on a yearly basis to see how participants are doing. Participants will be compensated for their time and participation in this research study.

Recruitment Contact
Amy Reynolds
(843) 792-8459

PRagmatic EValuation of evENTs And Benefits of Lipid-lowering in oldEr adults (PREVENTABLE)

Date Added
March 6th, 2023
PRO Number
Leslie Lenert

List of Studies

Cholesterol, Dementia, Drug Studies, Geriatrics, Healthy Volunteer Studies, Heart, Memory Loss, Stroke Recovery

The purpose of this research study is to determine if an already FDA approved drug called atorvastatin can help adults, age 75 or older, live well for longer by preventing dementia, disability, or heart disease. Participants will be assigned by chance to receive either atorvastatin (study drug) or a matching placebo (a tablet that looks like atorvastatin but does not contain any medicine). Study engagement may last up to five years and involves in clinic and/or remote visits, survey questions, potential blood draws, in addition to memory and physical tests. After the first 1-2 visits performed in clinic or remote, the study team will follow-up via phone on a yearly basis to see how participants are doing. Participants will be compensated for their time and participation in this research study.

MUSC Health Chester Medical Center
Recruitment Contact
Amy Reynolds
(843) 792-8459

PRagmatic EValuation of evENTs And Benefits of Lipid-lowering in oldEr adults (PREVENTABLE)

Date Added
March 6th, 2023
PRO Number
Leslie Lenert

List of Studies

Cholesterol, Dementia, Drug Studies, Geriatrics, Healthy Volunteer Studies, Heart, Memory Loss, Stroke Recovery

The purpose of this research study is to determine if an already FDA approved drug called atorvastatin can help adults, age 75 or older, live well for longer by preventing dementia, disability, or heart disease. Participants will be assigned by chance to receive either atorvastatin (study drug) or a matching placebo (a tablet that looks like atorvastatin but does not contain any medicine). Study engagement may last up to five years and involves in clinic and/or remote visits, survey questions, potential blood draws, in addition to memory and physical tests. After the first 1-2 visits performed in clinic or remote, the study team will follow-up via phone on a yearly basis to see how participants are doing. Participants will be compensated for their time and participation in this research study.

MUSC Health Florence Medical Center
Recruitment Contact
Amy Reynolds
(843) 792-8459

PRagmatic EValuation of evENTs And Benefits of Lipid-lowering in oldEr adults (PREVENTABLE)

Date Added
March 6th, 2023
PRO Number
Leslie Lenert

List of Studies

Cholesterol, Dementia, Drug Studies, Geriatrics, Healthy Volunteer Studies, Heart, Memory Loss, Stroke Recovery

The purpose of this research study is to determine if an already FDA approved drug called atorvastatin can help adults, age 75 or older, live well for longer by preventing dementia, disability, or heart disease. Participants will be assigned by chance to receive either atorvastatin (study drug) or a matching placebo (a tablet that looks like atorvastatin but does not contain any medicine). Study engagement may last up to five years and involves in clinic and/or remote visits, survey questions, potential blood draws, in addition to memory and physical tests. After the first 1-2 visits performed in clinic or remote, the study team will follow-up via phone on a yearly basis to see how participants are doing. Participants will be compensated for their time and participation in this research study.

MUSC Health Lancaster Medical Center
Recruitment Contact
Amy Reynolds
(843) 792-8459

PRagmatic EValuation of evENTs And Benefits of Lipid-lowering in oldEr adults (PREVENTABLE)

Date Added
March 6th, 2023
PRO Number
Leslie Lenert

List of Studies

Cholesterol, Dementia, Drug Studies, Geriatrics, Healthy Volunteer Studies, Heart, Memory Loss, Stroke Recovery

The purpose of this research study is to determine if an already FDA approved drug called atorvastatin can help adults, age 75 or older, live well for longer by preventing dementia, disability, or heart disease. Participants will be assigned by chance to receive either atorvastatin (study drug) or a matching placebo (a tablet that looks like atorvastatin but does not contain any medicine). Study engagement may last up to five years and involves in clinic and/or remote visits, survey questions, potential blood draws, in addition to memory and physical tests. After the first 1-2 visits performed in clinic or remote, the study team will follow-up via phone on a yearly basis to see how participants are doing. Participants will be compensated for their time and participation in this research study.

MUSC Health Marion Medical Center
Recruitment Contact
Amy Reynolds
(843) 792-8459

PRagmatic EValuation of evENTs And Benefits of Lipid-lowering in oldEr adults (PREVENTABLE)

Date Added
March 6th, 2023
PRO Number
Leslie Lenert

List of Studies

Cholesterol, Dementia, Drug Studies, Geriatrics, Healthy Volunteer Studies, Heart, Memory Loss, Stroke Recovery

The purpose of this research study is to determine if an already FDA approved drug called atorvastatin can help adults, age 75 or older, live well for longer by preventing dementia, disability, or heart disease. Participants will be assigned by chance to receive either atorvastatin (study drug) or a matching placebo (a tablet that looks like atorvastatin but does not contain any medicine). Study engagement may last up to five years and involves in clinic and/or remote visits, survey questions, potential blood draws, in addition to memory and physical tests. After the first 1-2 visits performed in clinic or remote, the study team will follow-up via phone on a yearly basis to see how participants are doing. Participants will be compensated for their time and participation in this research study.

MUSC Health Kershaw Medical Center
Recruitment Contact
Amy Reynolds
(843) 792-8459

PRagmatic EValuation of evENTs And Benefits of Lipid-lowering in oldEr adults (PREVENTABLE)

Date Added
March 6th, 2023
PRO Number
Leslie Lenert

List of Studies

Cholesterol, Dementia, Drug Studies, Geriatrics, Healthy Volunteer Studies, Heart, Memory Loss, Stroke Recovery

The purpose of this research study is to determine if an already FDA approved drug called atorvastatin can help adults, age 75 or older, live well for longer by preventing dementia, disability, or heart disease. Participants will be assigned by chance to receive either atorvastatin (study drug) or a matching placebo (a tablet that looks like atorvastatin but does not contain any medicine). Study engagement may last up to five years and involves in clinic and/or remote visits, survey questions, potential blood draws, in addition to memory and physical tests. After the first 1-2 visits performed in clinic or remote, the study team will follow-up via phone on a yearly basis to see how participants are doing. Participants will be compensated for their time and participation in this research study.

MUSC Health Columbia Medical Center
Recruitment Contact
Amy Reynolds
(843) 792-8459

PRagmatic EValuation of evENTs And Benefits of Lipid-lowering in oldEr adults (PREVENTABLE)

Date Added
March 6th, 2023
PRO Number
Leslie Lenert

List of Studies

Cholesterol, Dementia, Drug Studies, Geriatrics, Healthy Volunteer Studies, Heart, Memory Loss, Stroke Recovery

The purpose of this research study is to determine if an already FDA approved drug called atorvastatin can help adults, age 75 or older, live well for longer by preventing dementia, disability, or heart disease. Participants will be assigned by chance to receive either atorvastatin (study drug) or a matching placebo (a tablet that looks like atorvastatin but does not contain any medicine). Study engagement may last up to five years and involves in clinic and/or remote visits, survey questions, potential blood draws, in addition to memory and physical tests. After the first 1-2 visits performed in clinic or remote, the study team will follow-up via phone on a yearly basis to see how participants are doing. Participants will be compensated for their time and participation in this research study.

MUSC Heart and Vascular Institute
Recruitment Contact
Amy Reynolds
(843) 792-8459

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