This is a 12-month, randomized study that involves pre-transplant procedures, a kidney transplant, and post-transplant procedures. After kidney transplantation, every patient, whether in a research study or not, must take immunosuppressive medications to prevent their immune system from rejecting their new kidney. A rejection can harm your new kidney which can lead to lower kidney function. The purpose of this research is to test the safety and effectiveness of siplizumab for kidney transplant patients. Study participants who receive the new study treatment will be compared to participants receiving the most common approved immunosuppressive treatments referred to as "standard of care". You will be randomized into either the study group or the "standard of care" group, like flipping a coin. Because this is a research study, siplizumab will only be given to you during the research study as in infusion treatment. Siplizumab is an investigational medication, which means it has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is currently not "on the market" in any country. The potential risks of siplizumab are infusion reactions, inflammatory reactions, immunosuppression, and infections. The benefits of the study treatment are unknown but are suspected to decrease chances of rejection and increase the chance of effective kidney function. An alternative to this study would be to not participate and pursue the standard of care treatment after your kidney transplant.
The goal of this study is to develop a biorepository to store pediatric biospecimens from nephrology cohorts for on-going and future research studies. These studies plan to advance the state of science in the hopes to find more information that potentially leads to developing novel diagnostic approaches and identify therapeutic targets to prevent and/or treat pediatric disease involving the kidneys.
This study is for patients with lymph node positive or metastatic kidney cancer that is inoperable. The purpose of the study is to see if we increase the time without a patient's kidney cancer getting worse or requiring surgery by adding radiation therapy to the usual immune therapy
The purpose of this study is to determine if the investigational (not FDA approved) drug VIB4920 can be an effective treatment for patients with active Lupus Nephritis (LN).
This study will compare treatment with MMF (mycophenolate mofetil), Prednisone, plus the study medication VIB4920 to treatment with MMF and Prednisone alone.
Participants will have up to 15 scheduled visits that will involve routine monitoring of disease activity, up to two kidney biopsies, and blood and urine specimen collections. Participation in this study will last approximately 1 year and 2 months. Compensation is available for participation.
The purpose of this study is to compare the safety and efficacy of the PMX cartridge ( Toramyxin) (in Addition to Standard Medical Care for Patients with Endotoxemic Septic Shock:
Eligible and consented subjects will be randomized to receive either the PMX cartridge (administered twice for 1½ to 2 hours per treatment session approximately 24 hours apart) plus standard medical care or standard medical care alone. For all subjects in whom treatment has been initiated, a follow-up visit (if they are still in the hospital) or a telephone call will be completed at Day 28 (or later) to determine their mortality status. In surviving subjects, a follow-up visit or telephone call to determine their mortality status will also take place at approximately three months (i.e. Day 90) and 12 months after the subject was randomized.
The purpose of this study is to learn how well a new mobile app helps families manage their child's nephrotic syndrome. We will be asking what parents think of the new app and how we can improve the design of the app. We will look for 60 parents to participate in the study, from 4 children's kidney clinics in the United States. The study will last 12 months. Participants will be asked to check their child's urine protein levels at home daily and answer surveys. If participants are randomly assigned to the mobile app study arm, they will be asked to use the app. The risks associated with participating in this study include loss of privacy and breach of confidentiality. There are no anticipated benefits to your child from participating in the study, but we hope that in the future the app will help families manage nephrotic syndrome. The alternative is to not participate in this study. Participants will be compensated for their participation in the study.
This study will involve taking one or two medications already approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment of type 2 diabetes to learn more about which diabetes medications are the best for lowering the risk of heart and kidney disease in individuals with type 2 diabetes who are at least 40 years old. Participation includes about 8 study visits over a period of 72 months, which can be performed over the phone remotely or during normal standard of care clinic visits. Participants will be compensated for their time and participation in this research study.
Patients between the ages of 12 months and 11 years who are undergoing lower abdominal laparotomy will be randomized to receive intrathecal morphine, or bilateral quadratrus lumborum block. We will compare the effect that intrathecal morphine and quadratus lumborum blocks have on the duration of pain control as demonstrated by charted pain scores and morphine equivalents in the first 48 hours. This study will also assess the side effects of each intervention such as nausea and vomiting, and itching.
This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase 2/3 adaptive study involves an initial investigational blood test to determine if you have a specific variation related to kidney disease. The investigational blood test is to see if you have changes in your DNA of a gene called APOL1. People who have this gene variation may be at risk of losing their kidney function faster than others. If you have the variants (changes in DNA) you may be eligible to continue participation in the study. If you do not have the variants, you will not be eligible, and the study doctor will discuss your other options with you. If you decide to participate, there will be no cost to you and you will be compensated. This study will start by comparing two doses of VX-147 against placebo in subjects with APOL1-mediated kidney disease for 12 weeks. Subjects in Phase 2 will continue to Phase 3 once a dose for Phase 3 is selected. Then the Phase 3 dose of VX-147 will be evaluated for safety and effectiveness. If you meet the requirements and choose to take part in the study, you will be randomly assigned to a treatment group. You will not know which study treatment group you are assigned to and it is possible that you will receive placebo instead of VX-147. The study includes a screening, treatment, and follow-up period. The study will end after the last patient enrolled has completed 2 years in the study. This means some patients enrolling earlier could be in the study for up to 4 years.
This research study aims to learn more about children and adolescents who have a shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) infection. E. coli is a type of bacteria found in the intestines. Although most types of E. coli are harmless, some produce toxins that can make children sick. This study will assess what type of treatment is best for this infection.