This study utilizes adjuvant therapy in patients identified with urothelial cancer. Patients will be tested and screened to determine eligibility. Once they are deemed eligible and have consented to treatment, the study will begin. There are regular CT / MRI scans, blood draws, testing and drug administration that occurs while on this study, including while in post-treatment follow up. The study has seperated patients into Cohorts A and B. The study lasts approximately 5 years, with 2 years dedicated to regular treatment, and 3 to post-treatment follow up observation.
This research study primarily aims to determine if BT8009 alone and when given in combination with pembrolizumab works against urothelial cancer for patients who previously received treatment for their locally advanced or metastatic cancer.
This research study also aims to understand the side effects of BT8009 when given alone and in combination with pembrolizumab.
The study drug BT8009 is investigational (i.e., experimental). An investigational drug is one that has not been approved by the Regulatory Authority to treat a certain condition or illness or a certain type of patient.
This study is for patients who have been diagnosed with a solid tumor cancer that has continued to grow despite treatments patients have already received (non-small cell lung cancer or urothelial cancer). The study drug is FF-10832 (gemcitabine liposome injection). Gemcitabine is a cancer treatment registered in the US for the treatment of ovarian, breast, non-small cell lung, and pancreatic carcinomas. The study drug is a new, liposomal formulation of Gemcitabine. This new formula was developed to increase the amount of gemcitabine that goes to tumor cells. The study drug will be given to patients by itself, or in combination with pembrolizumab. Pembrolizumab is an approved treatment for many types of cancer. There are two groups that a participant may be assigned to, which group a participant is assigned on will be determined randomly, in a 1:1 ratio, like flipping a coin. The drugs will be given via an infusion. There is a 50% chance of being assigned to either group. Participation in the study will likely last 12 months, but participants may stay on the study longer if the study treatment continues to benefit them. The study consists of a screening visit, treatment visits, end of study visit, and a long-term follow-up.
The study is for patients who have been diagnosed with an advanced/metastatic (meaning cancer has spread from where it started) solid tumor (cancer) with no standard treatment available. The investigational drug in this study is DB-1311. DB-1311 infusion is an antibody-drug combination composed of an anti-B7-H3 (a protein associated with worse overall survival and drug resistance) antibody and P1021 (novel topoisomerase I inhibitor). The antibody portion of the drug blocks a protein in the body that help cancer cells live, grow and spread. The purpose of this trial is to find a safe and tolerable dose of the study drug. Participation in this study will last about 24 months. The study consists of a screening visit, treatment visits, and a safety follow up visit.
This study is for subjects that have metastatic urothelial cancer (mUC). Metastatic means your cancer has spread outside the area where it started and has spread to distant parts or organs of the body. This study is testing an "investigational" (not yet Food and Drug Administration, FDA, approved drug) study drug called sacituzumab govitecan. Sacituzumab govitecan is given intravenously, through IV. The primary purpose of this study is to evaluate treatment with sacituzumab govitecan alone and in combination with other treatments namely cisplatin, avelumab and pembrolizumab improves tumor shrinkage. They are antibodies made in a laboratory that blocks signals that the cancer sends to quiet your immune system. By blocking that signal your immune system can see the cancer as foreign and fight it. The subject may remain in the study for 18 months. They may receive additional treatment beyond 18 months if they are tolerating and showing benefit form the treatment.
This study is for patients with advanced kidney cancer and the purpose is to see if by adding a drug called cabozantinib to another treatment after receiving the standard treatment can prolong their life.
This study is for patients with an advanced rare genitourinary cancer. The purpose is to test the good and bad effects of the drugs called cabozantinib, nivolumab and ipilimumab, when given in combination.
This study is for patients that have prostate cancer that has spread and are either beginning hormone therapy for the first time or have been on hormone therapy for less than 30 days. The purpose of this study is to find out what effects (good and/or bad) there are to adding the new investigational drug TAK-700 (also called orteronel) to standard hormone therapy which is used to treat prostate cancer as compared to the standard of hormone therapy alone. The combination of TAK-700 and standard hormone therapy is considered experimental.