This study is testing citicoline as a possible medication to treat alcohol use disorder. Youth (ages 16-22) will be randomly assigned to receive either citicoline (2000mg per day) and or a placebo for four weeks.
All participants will receive brief counseling from a trained clinician and will undergo a brain scan and cognitive testing at the beginning and end of the treatment.
Participants must provide informed consent and youth under 18 must have parental consent to participate. The full study will last approximately one month.
Compensation is available to those who qualify.
This study is for patients with acute leukemia or myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). This study is being done to help understand whether a haplo related donor or a MUD HCT for people with acute leukemia or MDS is better or if there is no difference at all.
This study is for patients that have been diagnosed with relapsed/refractory neuroblastoma. The investigational drug given is eflornithine (DFMO) along with etoposide. DFMO is the investigational drug being used along with etoposide for treatment of neuroblastoma. Participants will undergo a number of standard tests and research-related procedures before being able to enroll in this study. Some risks include but are not limited to: fewer red and white blood cells, diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, skin rash, seizure, difficulty swallowing and blurred vision. Participants can expect to be on this study for approximately 2 years. Participants will then be followed for up to 5 years after study completion.
This study is enrolling emerging adults (ages 18-25) with cannabis use disorder (CUD) to examine sex differences in (a) cannabis withdrawal symptoms during short-term cannabis abstinence, (b) cannabidiol (CBD) versus placebo effects on stress reactivity during short-term cannabis abstinence, and (c) the relationship between stress reactivity and time to cannabis relapse after short-term cannabis abstinence. The proposed study is designed to reveal sex differences and guide the development of tailored treatments that address factors disproportionately affecting emerging adult females with CUD.
Participants will complete an assessment visit to determine eligibility. Eligible participants will be scheduled for their next visit and will be instructed to abstain from cannabis use for 3 days. Participants will be set up with a phone application (app) and given instructions on its use. This app will send twice daily, random surveys everyday throughout study participation with questions about cannabis use, cravings, and overall mood. Participants will also complete twice daily saliva samples.
At the end of the 3 days, participants will return to the clinic for their second visit. Participants will complete a urine and blood sample at each visit. After eating a snack, participants will receive one dose of CBD (800mg) or placebo and then participate in a stress task. Upon completion of the stress task, participants will complete 3 saliva samples and then be discharged after evaluation by research staff. After the completion of Visit 2, participants will continue to complete twice daily surveys for 10 days. The study will last approximately 14 days.
There are risks involved with participating in this study, including risks associated with CBD, risks associated with the stress task and study procedures, emotional distress from answering personal questions, and loss of confidentiality. There is a risk of experiencing cannabis withdrawal symptoms during the 3-day period of cannabis abstinence. Some potential risks related to CBD include dry mouth, diarrhea, reduced appetite, drowsiness, and fatigue. There is a risk of loss of confidentiality, but the researchers will code the samples and research information to protect privacy. There are no direct benefits to the participant, but we hope the knowledge gained will help us inform future clinical strategies to address cannabis use in emerging adults.
The purpose of this study is to find out whether a web-based intervention using a mobile app is helpful for teens and young adults with sickle cell disease (SCD) in learning how to care for and manage their symptoms. 272 teens and adults with SCD will be enrolled in this study which is being conducted at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston SC., East Carolina University in Greenville NC., University of Miami in Miami FL., and the University of Alabama in Birmingham AL.
In clinical practice, standard of care for treatment of adolescent acne includes extended courses, i.e., 3 months or longer, of systemic tetracyclines, a type of antibiotic.The gut is home to many bacteria. Administration of antibiotics kills these bacteria and prevents them from repopulating during critical developmental periods. The lack of these bacteria has effects on metabolism, fat, and bone mass
accrual in adolescent mice. Given what we have observed in mouse studies,
we are interested to observe the impact of systemic tetracycline acne therapy in adolescents on fat deposition and the skeleton.
This is a Phase 3 multicenter, single-arm, open-label extension (OLE) study designed to investigate the long-term safety, tolerability, and efficacy of risankizumab 150 mg or 55 mg by weight every 12 weeks (Q12W) in the treatment of moderate to severe plaque Ps in eligible subjects who have completed all assessments in Study M19-977 and elect to participate in Study M19-973. The study is comprised of a 216-week treatment period and a follow-up phone call for safety approximately 140 days (20 weeks) after the last dose of study drug.
This study is for patients that have had hematopoietic stem cell transplants and/or have been donors. The purpose of this study is to see how well transplant works in adults with a MMUD using stem cells from a donor's blood, and in children with a MMUD using stem cells from a donor's bone marrow.This study treatment does not include any investigational drugs. The medicines and procedures in this study are standard for transplant. Participants can expect to be on this study for approximately 1 year.
In the United States, nearly 62,000 children and adolescents are bereaved by the death of a sibling each year. Bereaved siblings and parents are at a lifelong risk for negative physical and psychological outcomes, yet little is known about the support and resource needs in the first 6 months following death. The purpose of this study is to determine the best ways to identify bereavement needs and barriers to grief support for parents and children following sibling death and to assess how bereavement needs impact parental distress and child quality of life and grief.
This study is for children between 8 and 17 years of age who have experienced the death of a sibling in the past 24 months. Children must have a parent or primary care giver actively take part in the study with them as a parent-child dyad. Information from this study will be used to help understand how to improve the care and support of parents and siblings that have experienced a loss.
Patients between the ages of 12 months and 11 years who are undergoing lower abdominal laparotomy will be randomized to receive intrathecal morphine, or bilateral quadratrus lumborum block. We will compare the effect that intrathecal morphine and quadratus lumborum blocks have on the duration of pain control as demonstrated by charted pain scores and morphine equivalents in the first 48 hours. This study will also assess the side effects of each intervention such as nausea and vomiting, and itching.