Hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) and solid organ transplantation (SOT) recipients are at high risk for respiratory viral infection (RVI). This study aims to establish a comprehensive RVI diagnostic and disease progression predictive model in children undergoing HCT and SOT. Findings will result in the first ever evidence-based pediatric guidelines.
This is a 12-month, randomized study that involves pre-transplant procedures, a kidney transplant, and post-transplant procedures. After kidney transplantation, every patient, whether in a research study or not, must take immunosuppressive medications to prevent their immune system from rejecting their new kidney. A rejection can harm your new kidney which can lead to lower kidney function. The purpose of this research is to test the safety and effectiveness of siplizumab for kidney transplant patients. Study participants who receive the new study treatment will be compared to participants receiving the most common approved immunosuppressive treatments referred to as "standard of care". You will be randomized into either the study group or the "standard of care" group, like flipping a coin. Because this is a research study, siplizumab will only be given to you during the research study as in infusion treatment. Siplizumab is an investigational medication, which means it has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is currently not "on the market" in any country. The potential risks of siplizumab are infusion reactions, inflammatory reactions, immunosuppression, and infections. The benefits of the study treatment are unknown but are suspected to decrease chances of rejection and increase the chance of effective kidney function. An alternative to this study would be to not participate and pursue the standard of care treatment after your kidney transplant.
This study will include all adult (18 years or older) patients who received a heart transplantation at MUSC. This study will conduct a chart review of all adult heart transplant participants to understand how different variables including, donor and recipient comorbidities, donor and recipient medical history, donor and recipient social determinants of health, recipient length of time on transplant waitlist, donor cause of death (morbidity), donor conditions when harvested, recipient presence of mechanical circulatory support (MCS) (temporary or permanent), recipient reason for transplant, recipient use of inotropes and/or vasopressors, recipient pre-transplant lab values, recipient pre-transplant ECHO, recipient pre-transplant right heart catheterization (RHC), donor lab and test values, other donor and recipient imaging studies, recipient surgical time and patient stay data, donor-recipient prediction heart mass (PHM) ratio, recipient medications, donor medications, post-transplant follow-up data, as well as other donor and/or recipient variables, will affect heart transplant outcomes.
This is a research study to find out if the study drug called BEAM-101 is safe and effective in the treatment of patients with severe Sickle cell disease (SCD). The study drug, BEAM-101 is a new investigational (experimental) therapy that is the first in human use of this drug.
The study medication uses patients' own stem cells that are harvested through apheresis (process where blood is removed, stem cells collected and blood is returned), changed by genetic modification, and transplanted back into the individual through intravenous infusion to treat severe SCD.
Participation in this study is expected to last approximately 24 months, starting at time of screening, through the collection of cells, transplantation of study drug, and 15-month follow-up period. Study visits during the screen and mobilization period will vary depending on the cell collection process, in other words, the mobilization and collection period could be 3 separate visits to harvest adequate stem cells. Subjects are then hospitalized for the conditioning period, transplantation of study drug and engraftment period (when blood counts return to normal). The follow up visits after discharge from the hospital will be monthly for the first 6 months, then every other month until 24 months post transplant period.
At the end of the 24 months, all participants will be asked to enroll in the long-term extension study for a duration of 13 years making the total follow-up period of 15 years.
This is a randomized study to test a smartphone app that a pharmacist will use to help kidney transplant patients track their medications, blood pressures, and blood sugars if they have diabetes. The goal of this study is to improve care and outcomes in kidney transplant patients and, in particular, help African American patients have better outcomes after transplant.
This study is for patients that have had hematopoietic stem cell transplants and/or have been donors. The purpose of this study is to see how well transplant works in adults with a MMUD using stem cells from a donor's blood, and in children with a MMUD using stem cells from a donor's bone marrow.This study treatment does not include any investigational drugs. The medicines and procedures in this study are standard for transplant. Participants can expect to be on this study for approximately 1 year.
The primary purpose of this registry is to evaluate the feasibility and clinical validation of LiverCare in liver transplant recipients, as part of post-transplant surveillance. LiverCare is an investigational panel test that includes 6 components: 1. AlloSure Liver 2. AlloMap Liver 3. AlloHeme Liver 4. iBox Liver 5. HistoMap Liver 6. AlloID. AlloSure Liver is a research test used to measure donor-derived cell free DNA in Liver transplant recipients. AlloMap Liver is a research gene expression profile test using peripheral blood to establish immune activity and is currently undergoing clinical evaluation and development. iBox Liver is an analytic platform that predicts organ outcomes after transplant using a software algorithm based on information from your medical records and is currently undergoing clinical evaluation and development. AlloHeme Liver is a diagnostic test to measure donor and recipient DNA in the blood. HistoMap Liver is a tissue-based gene expression test using tissue collected from standard of care biopsies to establish immune profiles within the organ and is currently undergoing clinical evaluation and development. AlloID is a blood test that will quantify the presence of more than 100 pathogens including standard post-transplant infectious disease screening such as Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), adenovirus, Human Herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) and viral hepatitis.
Islet transplantation is a clinical procedure to treat patients with chronic pancreatitis after removal of their pancreases. Islet survival is influenced by several factors, including but not limited to triggering an inflammatory response. The loss of islet cells during transplantation can cause surgical diabetes, in which the patient will need insulin injections to regulate their blood sugar. The goal of this study is to test whether co-transplantation of the patient's stem cells, called mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), along with their islet cells, will protect transplanted islet cells from death, therefore reducing the patient's chances of getting surgical diabetes. MSCs can modulate immune cells and are a promising resource for cell-based therapy.
This study is for subjects that are about to receive high dose cyclophosphamide before a blood or bone marrow transplant (BMT). The investigational drug in this study is Olanzapine.This research is being done to find out whether adding olanzapine to standard antiemetics will be helpful in controlling CINV in children receiving chemotherapy a blood or bone marrow transplant. To find this out, some of the participants in this study will get olanzapine and others will receive a placebo (a substance that looks like olanzapine but does not have any active or medicinal ingredients). This will allow us to compare treatment of CINV with and without olanzapine.
This study is for patients that have been diagnosed with multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH). The purpose of this study is to find out if prolonging the treatment and adding a drug called 6-mercaptopurine will be beneficial. Other goals include fining out if these changes will result in fewer patients having relapse of their LCH, and fewer patients having long term disease related problems. Participants can expect to be in this study for up to 24 months and will be followed on this study fir at least 5 years.