This study is evaluating the safety and effectiveness of the experimental treatment named AB-1002. The purpose of this study is to look at the safety and feasibility of delivery of adeno-associated virus (AAV) through the coronary arteries into the heart in participants with heart failure and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy. An experimental treatment is another option for care for your disease that is still being tested and is not yet approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Participation in this study is expected to last one year and include up to 18 visits. Study related procedures include the following heart related testing: study drug infusion, electrocardiograms (ECG), a test to show the heart's electrical activity, echocardiogram (Echo), a test that uses ultrasound to capture moving images of the heart, cardiopulmonary stress test, sample collection including blood, urine, tissue, nasal mucus, saliva, semen, and stool, questionnaires, physical exams, and at least an overnight stay in the hospital. You will also need to take medications to suppress your immune system.
There are risks associated with this study. Risks associated with gene therapy include an immune response that may cause inflammation in the liver, heart or other organs. It may damage your red blood cells, cause a low platelet count or cause the formation of small blood clots. There are also risks related to the study procedures including bleeding associated with the heart biopsy, risks related to drawing blood, risks of radiation, and loss of confidentiality. There may be no benefit to you but knowledge gained from this study may benefit others with heart failure and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy in the future.