This study is for patients who have had surgery for pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (pNET). This study is being done to find out if giving chemotherapy after surgery is better or worse than the usual approach for patients that have had surgery for pNET.
Islet transplantation is a clinical procedure to treat patients with chronic pancreatitis after removal of their pancreases. Islet survival is influenced by several factors, including but not limited to triggering an inflammatory response. The loss of islet cells during transplantation can cause surgical diabetes, in which the patient will need insulin injections to regulate their blood sugar. The goal of this study is to test whether co-transplantation of the patient's stem cells, called mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), along with their islet cells, will protect transplanted islet cells from death, therefore reducing the patient's chances of getting surgical diabetes. MSCs can modulate immune cells and are a promising resource for cell-based therapy.
This study is for patients with pancreatic cancer. The purpose is to see if researchers can increase the chance of pancreatic cancer staying away by giving them chemotherapy before and after surger