Investigation of the Efficacy of Antimycobacterial Therapy on Pulmonary Sarcoidosis Phase II Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial

Date Added
June 22nd, 2017
PRO Number
Walter James

List of Studies

Lung, Pulmonary, Sarcoidosis

You are being asked to take part in this research study because you have been diagnosed with pulmonary sarcoidosis. Sarcoidosis is a disease that can affect the lungs, skin and other organs of the body. Sarcoidosis also involves immune cells which fight bacteria. The purpose of this study is to see if using specific antibiotics will help these immune fighting cells get rid of bacterial proteins and how the antibiotics affect respiratory (breathing) function. The antibiotics used in this study are Levaquin, Ethambutol, Azithromycin, and either Rifampin or Rifabutin. You will by chance be assigned either these medicines or a placebo (an inactive substance).

Recruitment Contact
Kelly French

A South Carolina ECHO Pregnancy Cohort

Date Added
October 31st, 2023
PRO Number
Kelly Hunt

List of Studies

Children's Health, Environmental Factors, Pregnancy

The ECHO Cohort is a longitudinal prospective multi-site study aiming to understand how the environment and things that happen early in children's lives - even before they are born - affect their development, health, and well-being. This research program includes many study sites across the United States. ECHO will combine information about 20,000 pregnant participants, more than 50,000 children, and their families. With so many participants from across the country, researchers can answer important childhood health questions.

Recruitment Contact
Erin Alsbrook

Sequential Trial of Adding Buprenorphine, Cognitive Behavioral Treatment, and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to Improve Outcomes of Long-Term Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain (ACTION)

Date Added
January 2nd, 2024
PRO Number
Kelly Barth

List of Studies

Drug Studies, Pain, Psychiatry, Substance Use

This study aims to investigate innovative approaches to managing chronic pain and opioid use. This study consists of two phases, each offering different treatment options. Participation is voluntary.

This study will sequentially evaluate three novel and scalable interventions for at-risk individuals on long term opioid therapy for chronic pain: (1) low-dose transdermal buprenorphine initiation without a period of opioid withdrawal; (2) a brief Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for pain (CBI); and (3) transcranial magnetic stimulation by examining standardized repeated measures of clinical outcomes at baseline, during treatment, and at follow-up.

Phase 1:
In this initial phase, all participants will have a 1-week open-label trial of buprenorphine (worn as a patch on the arm, shoulder or upper-back). This trial aims to assess the safety and effectiveness of buprenorphine in managing chronic pain and opioid use. During this phase, participants will have the opportunity to experience the effects of buprenorphine under close monitoring.

Phase 2:
After completing Phase 1, participants will have the opportunity to choose their next course of treatment. They can decide to continue with buprenorphine, and undergo a 1-week trial of either real buprenorphine or a placebo (an inactive substance). They will be randomly assigned to receive either real or placebo buprenorphine. If participants respond well to buprenorphine treatment, they may continue the medication under the care of their physician.

Alternatively, participants can explore an alternative treatment called repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in Phase 2. If they opt for rTMS, they will receive either real rTMS or a sham version interspersed with cognitive-behavioral therapy for pain. Participants will be randomly assigned to receive either real or sham rTMS.

In both phases, participants will receive close monitoring and attend regular study visits to assess safety and progress. Throughout the study, they will be asked to complete questionnaires about pain, functioning and opioid use, undergo physiological monitoring and blood samples will be collected at specific points.

It's important to note that there are potential risks associated with the study medication, such as difficulty sleeping, nausea, and dizziness. Additionally, for the rTMS arm, there is risk of mild headache, pain at the stimulation site, and there may be unknown risks related to the brain stimulation.

Participants' experience in Phase 1 will involve an open-label trial of buprenorphine, and participants' decisions in Phase 2 will determine the treatment path. While the effectiveness of these treatments is uncertain, participants will receive thorough monitoring throughout the study, and have the option to withdraw at any time. Improvement in participant symptoms is possible but not guaranteed.

Recruitment Contact
Georgia Mappin

Determinants of performance in cochlear implant listeners

Date Added
February 6th, 2024
PRO Number
Kelly Harris

List of Studies


This project examines how to improve speech understanding with cochlear implants (CIs), particularly for older CI recipients. While older individuals benefit from CI technology, performance is poorer than that of younger implanted adults for difficult listening tasks. The mechanisms that contribute to this variability are not well-understood. The current project examines how differences in brain structure and function may contribute to success with a cochlear implant. To compare, we will also be examining how older patients without cochlear implants understand speech in difficult listening situations.

Recruitment Contact
Kelly Harris

The Development of Patient-Centered Clinical AFO prescription Guidelines to Optimize Post-Stroke Function and Quality of Life

Date Added
September 25th, 2024
PRO Number
Steven Kautz

List of Studies

Stroke Recovery

The goal of this study is to get the highest possible quality of life restuls for individuals suffering lower-limb impairment after suffering a stroke. This will be done by examining three different modern carbon fiber ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) options targeting the rehabilitation of individuals post-stroke. The study seeks to achieve the best AFO prescription that maximizes the mobility and satisfaction of the particpant.

Recruitment Contact
Kelly Krajeck

Centering Emotional Recovery Post-Stroke

Date Added
January 7th, 2025
PRO Number
Michelle Woodbury

List of Studies

Rehabilitation Studies, Stroke, Stroke Recovery

Stroke survivors routinely report disabling emotional health challenges and inability to find emotional wellness support. This project will increase emotional support within a stroke rehabilitation occupational therapy (OT) and/or speech therapy (ST) rehabilitation program. OT and/or ST provided via telerehabilitation will be enhanced with a type of emotional wellness therapy that teaches stroke survivors various strategies to better address anxiety, worry and dread.

Recruitment Contact
Kelly Rishe

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