The purpose of this research study is to gather feedback via focus groups/individual interviews and surveys from American Indian and Hispanic pregnant and postpartum people about 1) mental health and substance use concerns and 2) a text message based mental health and substance use disorder screening, referral and treatment program for pregnant and postpartum people called Listening to Women & Pregnant and Postpartum People (LTWP). By gaining the feedback of American Indian and Hispanic people we hope to improve accessibility and efficacy of this program for these populations. Participation involves one individual interview or focus group (a small group discussion) and surveys.
The purpose of the study is to learn if a program for newborn mom's can improve detection of complications after delivery and help women get medical care quickly and easily. Participants will be asked to complete a survey at the time of enrollment and at 4 additional times. All surveys can be completed via cell-phone or email. All women will be followed for 1-year after delivery. Women that enroll will be assigned to one of two groups: usual in person care OR usual in-person care PLUS a text message-based program that will ask about sign and symptoms of complications that may occur after delivery. If there is a concern, a care coordinator will call on the phone to discuss options and help refer to care if needed. Participants will be paid for their time in completing surveys.
The purpose of the study is to learn if a program for newborn mom's can improve detection of complications after delivery and help women get medical care quickly and easily. Participants will be asked to complete a survey at the time of enrollment and at 4 additional times. All surveys can be completed via cell-phone or email. All women will be followed for 1-year after delivery. Women that enroll will be assigned to one of two groups: usual in person care OR usual in-person care PLUS a text message-based program that will ask about sign and symptoms of complications that may occur after delivery. If there is a concern, a care coordinator will call on the phone to discuss options and help refer to care if needed. Participants will be paid for their time in completing surveys.
The purpose of the study is to learn if a program for newborn mom's can improve detection of complications after delivery and help women get medical care quickly and easily. Participants will be asked to complete a survey at the time of enrollment and at 4 additional times. All surveys can be completed via cell-phone or email. All women will be followed for 1-year after delivery. Women that enroll will be assigned to one of two groups: usual in person care OR usual in-person care PLUS a text message-based program that will ask about sign and symptoms of complications that may occur after delivery. If there is a concern, a care coordinator will call on the phone to discuss options and help refer to care if needed. Participants will be paid for their time in completing surveys.
Cannabis is the most commonly used illicit substance among pregnant and postpartum women, with the postpartum period being a common time for relapse to cannabis. Currently there are no interventions for preventing return to cannabis use during this vulnerable time. The goal of this research is to better understand risk factors such as stress, craving, anxiety, mood, sleep, and hormone levels that may contribute to return to cannabis use during the postpartum period in order to help develop targeted prevention and treatment interventions in the future.
The purpose of the study is to compare a text message based mental health and substance use screening and referral to treatment program, called Listening to Women and Pregnant and Postpartum People (LTWP), to standard of care in-person mental health and substance use screening to look at rates of treatment attendance and retention in treatment. Participation would involve completing online surveys. You may be eligible to participate if you are age 18-45 years, are pregnant and entering prenatal care in one of MUSC's OB clinics, and attended a prenatal appointment at an MUSC clinic.
The purpose of the study is to compare a text message based mental health and substance use screening and referral to treatment program, called Listening to Women and Pregnant and Postpartum People (LTWP), to standard of care in-person mental health and substance use screening to look at rates of treatment attendance and retention in treatment. Participation would involve completing online surveys. You may be eligible to participate if you are age 18-45 years, are pregnant and entering prenatal care in one of MUSC's OB clinics, and attended a prenatal appointment at an MUSC clinic.
The purpose of the study is to compare a text message based mental health and substance use screening and referral to treatment program, called Listening to Women and Pregnant and Postpartum People (LTWP), to standard of care in-person mental health and substance use screening to look at rates of treatment attendance and retention in treatment. Participation would involve completing online surveys. You may be eligible to participate if you are age 18-45 years, are pregnant and entering prenatal care in one of MUSC's OB clinics, and attended a prenatal appointment at an MUSC clinic.
The primary purpose of this study is to compare extended-release buprenorphine (CAM2038) to buprenorphine placed under the tongue (sublingual) in pregnant women with opioid use disorder to see if CAM2038 is as effective as sublingual buprenorphine. We are looking to recruit pregnant women who are between 18-41 years old; are between 6-30 weeks pregnant and are not planning to terminate the pregnancy; have opioid use disorder, and are enrolled or are planning to enroll in outpatient buprenorphine treatment at The Medical University of South Carolina. Participation in the study would last between 13 and 21 months total with up to between about 63-102 total visits, including weekly medication check visits and research visits.