This study is enrolling participants who are already implanted with a S-ICD device (Subcutaneous Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator, which is a device designed to monitor heart rhythms and deliver a shock to the heart to stop life threatening heart rhythms), and are undergoing a routine outpatient clinic follow up appointment to have their S-ICD checked. The aim of the study is to see if a feature in the device can recognize muscle movement and differentiate movement from irregular heart signals. The study involves doing some simple arm exercises while collecting device data, both with this feature turn on and then with it turned off. Participants will be randomized to either have the feature turned on or off initially then it will be programmed the alternative way and the same exercise testing will be repeated. The study will involve just one visit.
This study's objective is to determine if electrical stimulation can safely reduced atrial fibrillation, which is an abnormal heart rhythm that begins in the top chambers of the heart. Electrical stimulation will be delivered to the wrists or in the ear. Participation will last about 6 weeks and require 3 clinic visits. Participants will be asked to wear a heart monitor and patch to monitor the heart rate and rhythm, keep a diary to collect information on atrial fibrillation, undergo randomization (being randomly assigned, like drawing straws) and use the study device per randomization assignment. Participants are randomized in a 1:1:1 fashion to a wrist worn study device, an ear piece study device or a sham wrist worn study device. A sham device looks like the real wrist worn device but does not deliver any electrical stimulation.
REHAB-HFpEF is a multicenter, randomized, attention-controlled, single-blind trial to examine the hypothesis that, a novel, tailored, progressive, multi-domain physical rehabilitation intervention administered to older patients with acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) beginning early during hospitalization and continuing for 12 weeks in a structured outpatient setting, and continuing as a maintenance program will reduce the rate of combined all-cause rehospitalization and death at 6 months (the primary outcome), and reduce major mobility disability (MMD) prevalence at 6 months (the secondary outcome). This trial, REHAB-HFpEF, builds upon preliminary studies, including the phase 2 REHAB-HF trial, which suggests this intervention may yield significant benefits for this population which are largely older, frail, and with few evidence-based treatment options.
The study will recruit a total of 880 consenting patients >=60 years old hospitalized with ADHF with HFpEF. Following informed consent and baseline testing, the participants will be randomized in a 1:1 fashion to receive a novel, progressive, multi-domain rehabilitation and exercise training intervention or attention control. The intervention will include strength, balance, endurance, and mobility training and the specific training exercises will be tailored based on participant performance in each of these domains. The intervention will begin as soon as possible after randomization during the hospitalization and will continue 3 times per week in an outpatient setting for 12 weeks. Those randomized to the attention control will be contacted bi-weekly by study staff to maintain contact, collect information regarding health status, clinical events, and physical activity/exercise, and ensure retention; they do not receive any specific exercise recommendations. Both arms will receive all services ordered by their primary physician (usual care) and undergo measures of physical function, cognitive function, and quality of life (QOL).
This is a low-interventional cohort study to determine cardiac and non-cardiac long-term outcomes of persons <21 years of age with myocarditis/pericarditis after the administration of COMIRNATY, compared with similarly aged persons with myocarditis/pericarditis associated with COVID-19, including MIS-C.
This study is for participants who have tricuspid regurgitation, a condition in which your heart's tricuspid valve does not close tightly which causes blood to flow backwards in the incorrect direction. This condition increases the workload on the heart and if left untreated, it can increase the risk of worsening heart failure. In this study, a device called the PASCAL Transcatheter Valve Repair System will be used to treat the tricuspid regurgitation. The PASCAL Transcatheter Valve Repair System is an investigational device meaning it has not been approved for commercial use by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In this study participants will be randomized, meaning randomly assigned like drawing straws, in a 2:1 fashion to either receive the PASCAL Transcatheter Valve Repair System (treatment group) or optimal medical therapy (OMT) (control group). OMT means your medications will be adjusted as needed to provide the most benefit possible. Participants randomized to the OMT group may be eligible to receive the device after completing 2 years of follow up. Participants not eligible for randomization may be eligible for the registry portion of the study if approved by the sponsor. The registry arm participants will not be randomized but will undergo the procedure to place the device.
Participation in this study will last about 5 years and involve up to 15 visits for those in the treatment or registry group and 11 visit for those in the control group. Study related procedures include a right heart catheterization (test to measure the pressures in the heart), echocardiograms (ultrasound test of heart), electrocardiogram or ECG (test of the heart's electrical system) blood work, questionnaires, hall walk test, and physical exam.
This study will involve taking one or two medications already approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment of type 2 diabetes to learn more about which diabetes medications are the best for lowering the risk of heart and kidney disease in individuals with type 2 diabetes who are at least 40 years old. Participation includes about 8 study visits over a period of 72 months, which can be performed over the phone remotely or during normal standard of care clinic visits. Participants will be compensated for their time and participation in this research study.
This study will enroll participants who are hospitalized with decompensated heart failure. Heart failure is a condition in which the heart is not able to pump blood efficiently and as a result fluid can build up. This study is testing an investigational, not yet approved for commercial use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) device called the Repreive DMS. The Repreive DMS is an instrument designed to automatically administer medications called diuretics to optimize fluid removal and improve your symptoms of heart failure. This study has a randomized arm in which participants will be randomly assigned to treatment with the Repreive DMS system or standard of care treatment referred to as Optimal Diuretic Therapy. You have a 50:50 chance of being assigned to either arm. There is also a registry arm for participants who do not wish to participate in the randomized part of the study. The registry involves collecting data from your standard treatment. The randomized study will last about 13 weeks and involved up to 9 visits. The Repreive DMS involves infusing medication through an IV (intravenous or in the vein) and collecting urine via a foley catheter, which is placed in your bladder. Some of the other procedures involved in this study include physical exams, blood work, urine studies, hearing test, and medication administration.
The purpose of this research is to compare the risks and benefits of two different procedures used to help patients with mitral valve regurgitation (also known as MR). MR is a condition where the valve does not close fully when it is supposed to, and some blood can then leak back into the left atrium instead of circulating to the rest of the body. The treatment options this study will compare are: (1) transcatheter edge-to-edge repair (abbreviated as TEER; which is a catheter procedure for repairing the mitral valve that doesn't require surgery to open up the heart) and (2) mitral valve repair surgery, which is an open-heart surgical procedure. There are no new or "experimental" procedures being tested in this study: both treatment options are well-established treatments and are regularly performed in patients who have MR.
This study will compare WATCHMAN FLXTM ("DEVICE") to a category of OAC called non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulation, also known as NOACs ("CONTROL"). NOAC medications include Pradaxa® (dabigatran), Eliquis® (apixaban), Xarelto® (rivaroxaban), or Savaysa® (edoxaban).The study will research the safety and effectiveness of the WATCHMAN FLXTM device compared to treatment with NOAC therapy to determine if it works for patients with your type of atrial fibrillation who require treatment for potential blood clot formation (thrombus) in the LAA.
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the safety and how well the medication sotatercept works versus placebo in treating Heart Failure with a Preserved Ejection Fraction. The study will also look at information obtained from the tests performed as part of the study to see if subjects have improvement in symptoms of heart failure. Participation in this study will last approximately 26 months. During the study period subjects will be asked to attend regular study visits with the research coordinator. These visits will include such activities as blood tests, questionnaires, physical evaluation by a study doctor, a right heart catheterization with exercise, echocardiogram, and 6 minute hall walks. There will be 35 visits as part of participation in this clinical trial.
Participants will be randomized to either the treatment group (and receive the medication) or the control group (and not receive the medication). Subjects will have a 66:33 chance of receiving the study medication during their participation in the trial. The treatment assignment is determined by randomization, where a computer selects at random which treatment group you will be in (like drawing straws). Neither the subject, nor the blinded personnel will know which group subjects are in. Neither the subject nor the study doctor will decide what group subjects are assigned.