A Phase 0 Master Protocol Using the CIVO Platform to Evaluate Intratumoral Microdoses of Anti-Cancer Therapies

Date Added
August 22nd, 2023
PRO Number
Jason Newman

List of Studies

Cancer, Cancer/Head & Neck, Drug Studies, Men's Health, Women's Health

This research is being done to better understand how anti-cancer drugs affect cells within a tumor. Injecting very small amounts (microdoses) of pembrolizumab alone or in combination with MK-0482 or MK-4830 above may help the developer of these drugs to understand more about how these drugs work and what changes they make on the tumor. Subjects in this study will have their tumor injected with anti-cancer drugs using a CIVO device. The CIVO device delivers microdoses of multiple drugs or drug combinations directly into the tumor. Some of the procedures in this study include ultrasound assisted placement for tumor injection, a mucrodose injection of anti-cancer drugs into the tumor, and surgery to remove the tumor. Participation in the study will take 5 visits over a period if 56 days. The screening portion will be 28 days and the treatment portion will be 28 days from the time of the injection to the time of follow-up contact by the study team.

Recruitment Contact
HCC Clinical Trials Office

LIBREXIA - AF A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Double-Dummy, Parallel Group, Active Controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Milvexian, an Oral Factor XIa Inhibitor, Versus Apixaban in Participants with Atrial Fibrillation

Date Added
August 15th, 2023
PRO Number
James Phillips

List of Studies

Cardiovascular, Drug Studies, Heart, Vascular

This is a study comparing the new class anticoagulants factor XIa to the FDA approved Apixaban. The study is to determine if Milvexian is as effective and safe with preventing clots for patients with A-fib and to determine if Milvexian is better at reducing the chances of bleeding.

MUSC Health Columbia Medical Center
Recruitment Contact
Jacqueline Sheriod-Scott

LIBREXIA - AF A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Double-Dummy, Parallel Group, Active Controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Milvexian, an Oral Factor XIa Inhibitor, Versus Apixaban in Participants with Atrial Fibrillation

Date Added
August 15th, 2023
PRO Number
James Phillips

List of Studies

Cardiovascular, Drug Studies, Heart, Vascular

This is a study comparing the new class anticoagulants factor XIa to the FDA approved Apixaban. The study is to determine if Milvexian is as effective and safe with preventing clots for patients with A-fib and to determine if Milvexian is better at reducing the chances of bleeding.

MUSC Heart and Vascular Institute
Recruitment Contact
Jacqueline Sheriod-Scott

An Open-Label Study of E7386 in Combination With Other Anticancer Drug(s) in Subjects With Solid Tumors

Date Added
August 8th, 2023
PRO Number
Brian Orr

List of Studies

Cancer, Drug Studies

The purpose of this study is to learn about the effects of an experimental treatment called E7386. This study is for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, colorectal cancer, endometrial cancer, or other solid tumors. E7386 in combination with levantinib fight tumors by decreasing tumor density. The purpose of this study is to learn about the effects of an experimental treatment called E7386. E7386 is considered "experimental" because it has not been approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of any disease. Levantinib is FDA approved and has been previously used to treat cancer, however, it is considered experimental in combination with E7386.

Recruitment Contact
HCC Clinical Trials Office

A Phase III, Multicenter, Open-label Study of Ribociclib vs. Palbociclib in Patients With Advanced Hormone Receptor-positive/HER2-negative/HER2-Enriched Breast Cancer - HARMONIA Trial

Date Added
August 2nd, 2023
PRO Number
Frank Brescia

List of Studies

Cancer, Cancer/Breast, Drug Studies, Men's Health, Women's Health

The study is for patients that have been diagnosed with with a certain type of breast cancer, characterized as HER2 (Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2)-negative and hormonal receptor (HR)-positive, and with a specific characteristic (molecular subtype) called HeER2-Enriched. The investigational drugs used in this study are Ribociclib and Palbociclib. The main purpose of this study is to learn determine if participants with the specific HER2-Enriched subtype will have delayed progression of the disease when treated with ribociclib compared to palbociclib. Participants can expect to be in this study for up to 5 years.

Recruitment Contact
HCC Clinical Trials Office

Neurobehavioral and Immune Effects of Citicoline in Youth Alcohol Use Disorder

Date Added
June 6th, 2023
PRO Number
Lindsay Squeglia

List of Studies

Adolescents, Alcohol, Brain, Drug Studies, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Substance Use

This study is testing citicoline as a possible medication to treat alcohol use disorder. Youth (ages 16-22) will be randomly assigned to receive either citicoline (2000mg per day) and or a placebo for four weeks.

All participants will receive brief counseling from a trained clinician and will undergo a brain scan and cognitive testing at the beginning and end of the treatment.

Participants must provide informed consent and youth under 18 must have parental consent to participate. The full study will last approximately one month.

Compensation is available to those who qualify.

Recruitment Contact
Cori Herring

Multicenter Phase 3 Pivotal Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of TOOKAD (padeliporfin) Vascular Targeted Photodynamic Therapy in the Treatment of Low Grade Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer

Date Added
June 1st, 2023
PRO Number
Robert Grubb

List of Studies

Cancer, Cancer/Genitourinary, Drug Studies, Men's Health, Women's Health

The study is for patients that have been diagnosed with low-grade non-invasive upper tract urothelial cancer. The investigational drug used in this study is padeliporfin which is injected into a vein. The main purpose of this study is to learn about the effects and safety of an investigational treatment named padeliporfin Vascular Targeted Photodynamic (VTP) Therapy, in treating low-grade non-invasive upper tract urothelial cancer. Participants can expect to be in this study for up to 18 months. The completion of the study will include up to 9 study visits to the study site and 8 phone visits.

Recruitment Contact
HCC Clinical Trials Office

Sex Differences in the Interface between Cannabis Use and Stress among Emerging Adults

Date Added
May 2nd, 2023
PRO Number
Kevin Gray

List of Studies

Adolescents, Drug Studies, Psychiatry, Substance Use

This study is enrolling emerging adults (ages 18-25) with cannabis use disorder (CUD) to examine sex differences in (a) cannabis withdrawal symptoms during short-term cannabis abstinence, (b) cannabidiol (CBD) versus placebo effects on stress reactivity during short-term cannabis abstinence, and (c) the relationship between stress reactivity and time to cannabis relapse after short-term cannabis abstinence. The proposed study is designed to reveal sex differences and guide the development of tailored treatments that address factors disproportionately affecting emerging adult females with CUD.

Participants will complete an assessment visit to determine eligibility. Eligible participants will be scheduled for their next visit and will be instructed to abstain from cannabis use for 3 days. Participants will be set up with a phone application (app) and given instructions on its use. This app will send twice daily, random surveys everyday throughout study participation with questions about cannabis use, cravings, and overall mood. Participants will also complete twice daily saliva samples.

At the end of the 3 days, participants will return to the clinic for their second visit. Participants will complete a urine and blood sample at each visit. After eating a snack, participants will receive one dose of CBD (800mg) or placebo and then participate in a stress task. Upon completion of the stress task, participants will complete 3 saliva samples and then be discharged after evaluation by research staff. After the completion of Visit 2, participants will continue to complete twice daily surveys for 10 days. The study will last approximately 14 days.

There are risks involved with participating in this study, including risks associated with CBD, risks associated with the stress task and study procedures, emotional distress from answering personal questions, and loss of confidentiality. There is a risk of experiencing cannabis withdrawal symptoms during the 3-day period of cannabis abstinence. Some potential risks related to CBD include dry mouth, diarrhea, reduced appetite, drowsiness, and fatigue. There is a risk of loss of confidentiality, but the researchers will code the samples and research information to protect privacy. There are no direct benefits to the participant, but we hope the knowledge gained will help us inform future clinical strategies to address cannabis use in emerging adults.

Recruitment Contact
Sarah Bourne

Impact of stress and craving on return to cannabis use in postpartum women

Date Added
May 2nd, 2023
PRO Number
Constance Guille

List of Studies

Drug Studies, Hormones, Non-interventional, Pregnancy, Substance Use, Women's Health

Cannabis is the most commonly used illicit substance among pregnant and postpartum women, with the postpartum period being a common time for relapse to cannabis. Currently there are no interventions for preventing return to cannabis use during this vulnerable time. The goal of this research is to better understand risk factors such as stress, craving, anxiety, mood, sleep, and hormone levels that may contribute to return to cannabis use during the postpartum period in order to help develop targeted prevention and treatment interventions in the future.

Recruitment Contact
Lisa Nunn

A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Deucravacitinib in Participants with Active Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (POETYK SLE-2)

Date Added
April 11th, 2023
PRO Number
Kathleen Maksimowicz-McKinnon

List of Studies

Autoimmune disease, Drug Studies, Lupus

The purpose of this research study is to determine how well and safe deucravacitinib, an investigational/non-approved United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) medication, is in treating Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE, lupus).

Participation in the study will involve being assigned deucravacitinib or a placebo (a drug that looks likes the study medication but does not contain any medication) and completing a series of in person clinic visits much like those completed as part of standard of care. Blood and urine samples will be collected for both routine health and safety tests as well as research/experimental testing.

The study will require 16 visits over a period of 14 months. There is an optional extension to the study possible, should you wish to continue and the study doctor feels that you remain a good candidate for participation. Study medication is provided and compensation is available for participation.

Recruitment Contact
Emma Hatch

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