This study involves testing how useful a technology-enhanced therapy is for pregnant people prescribed buprenorphine for the treatment of opioid use disorder, compared to medication monitoring. Participants are randomized to one of the conditions. Participants randomized to receive the therapy will attend four 60-minute therapy appointments during pregnancy with an additional 30-minute therapy session towards the end of pregnancy, and 6 additional monthly postpartum (after childbirth) sessions (0-6 months postpartum). As part of the therapy program, participants will receive access to a mobile application, which will be accessible for the duration of the study. Participants randomized to medication monitoring will be asked to log each time the medication is taken for a two month period. All participants will also be asked to complete questionnaires at enrollment and again at 3-month postpartum and 6-months postpartum, and will be contacted randomly throughout the study to perform a medication count. The total duration of the study is between 8-12 months depending on when enrollment occurs (early second trimester-mid third trimester). Compensation up to $310 is provided.
This study involves testing how useful a technology-enhanced intervention is for pregnant people prescribed buprenorphine for the management of opioid use disorder. The intervention being studied is a brief skill building protocol and a mobile application. Participation involves three 60-90-minute skill building appointments during pregnancy, and four 30-minute check-in visits at the end of pregnancy through 3 months postpartum. The mobile application will be accessible for at least the duration of the study. Participants will also be asked to complete questionnaires at enrollment and again at 1-month postpartum and 3-months postpartum, will send monthly photos of their prescription bottle/box, and will be contacted randomly throughout the study to perform a medication count. The total duration of the study is between 5-9 months depending on when you enroll. Compensation is provided.