Date Added
July 19th, 2022
PRO Number
Caroline Buchanan

List of Studies

Genetics, Rare Diseases

This is a 3-part study, with each part having a unique set of objectives for male
adolescents aged 12 to < 18 years with fragile X syndrome (FXS). Part 1 is an openlabel,
single-dose, pharmacokinetics (PK) assessment of BPN14770 25 mg and
50 mg; Part 2 is double-blind (DB) and randomized; and Part 3 is an open-label
extension (OLE) for patients who complete Part 2.

Self Regional Healthcare
Recruitment Contact
Caleb Hinzman

A Phase 2/3 Adaptive, Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of VX-147 in Adult and Pediatric Subjects with APOL1-mediated Proteinuric Kidney Disease

Date Added
May 11th, 2022
PRO Number
Roberto Pisoni

List of Studies

Drug Studies, Genetics, Kidney, Minorities, Rare Diseases

This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase 2/3 adaptive study involves an initial investigational blood test to determine if you have a specific variation related to kidney disease. The investigational blood test is to see if you have changes in your DNA of a gene called APOL1. People who have this gene variation may be at risk of losing their kidney function faster than others. If you have the variants (changes in DNA) you may be eligible to continue participation in the study. If you do not have the variants, you will not be eligible, and the study doctor will discuss your other options with you. If you decide to participate, there will be no cost to you and you will be compensated. This study will start by comparing two doses of VX-147 against placebo in subjects with APOL1-mediated kidney disease for 12 weeks. Subjects in Phase 2 will continue to Phase 3 once a dose for Phase 3 is selected. Then the Phase 3 dose of VX-147 will be evaluated for safety and effectiveness. If you meet the requirements and choose to take part in the study, you will be randomly assigned to a treatment group. You will not know which study treatment group you are assigned to and it is possible that you will receive placebo instead of VX-147. The study includes a screening, treatment, and follow-up period. The study will end after the last patient enrolled has completed 2 years in the study. This means some patients enrolling earlier could be in the study for up to 4 years.

Recruitment Contact
Linda Walker

Multicenter Phenotype-Genotype Analysis of Vascular Anomalies and Related Syndromes

Date Added
December 24th, 2021
PRO Number
Lara Wine Lee

List of Studies

Genetics, Pediatrics, Skin, Vascular

The purpose of this research study is to develop a better understanding of the cause and natural history of vascular anomalies and related syndromes. This study is being done in order to develop a better understanding of the cause of vascular anomalies in order to to improve care for people who are affected by these anomalies and related syndromes.

This study is being done at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) and other sites in North America and Europe. A total of about 1000 people will participate in this study. About 20 – 30 people will take part in the study here at the Medical University of South Carolina.

Recruitment Contact
Chelsea Shope

In Our DNA SC: A Helix Research Network Study

Date Added
October 19th, 2021
PRO Number
Daniel Judge

List of Studies

Genetics, Healthy Volunteer Studies

The purpose of this project is to study DNA and its connection to your health. DNA is in your blood, your saliva, and other tissues in your body. DNA is the unique instructions you are born with that tells your body how to work. By looking at DNA, you can learn information about your health, certain traits, and even your ancestral roots. DNA is also called your genetic information. DNA is mostly the same from person to person. But everyone's DNA is slightly different. We are still learning how DNA impacts health. This study will look at the DNA of many different people from many different backgrounds and compare it to information in their health records. The goal is to understand how learning about DNA can help improve health care for individuals, families, and the community.

Participants will provide a sample for DNA sequencing. Sequencing is the process of reading the letters of your DNA. This study may sequence your whole genome. Over time, you may be asked to provide additional samples for research purposes. The research team will collect health information about you from your medical record and may ask you questions about your health using surveys or other data collection method.

Recruitment Contact
Sarah English
(843) 876-0582

In Our DNA SC: A Helix Research Network Study

Date Added
October 19th, 2021
PRO Number
Daniel Judge

List of Studies

Genetics, Healthy Volunteer Studies

The purpose of this project is to study DNA and its connection to your health. DNA is in your blood, your saliva, and other tissues in your body. DNA is the unique instructions you are born with that tells your body how to work. By looking at DNA, you can learn information about your health, certain traits, and even your ancestral roots. DNA is also called your genetic information. DNA is mostly the same from person to person. But everyone's DNA is slightly different. We are still learning how DNA impacts health. This study will look at the DNA of many different people from many different backgrounds and compare it to information in their health records. The goal is to understand how learning about DNA can help improve health care for individuals, families, and the community.

Participants will provide a sample for DNA sequencing. Sequencing is the process of reading the letters of your DNA. This study may sequence your whole genome. Over time, you may be asked to provide additional samples for research purposes. The research team will collect health information about you from your medical record and may ask you questions about your health using surveys or other data collection method.

MUSC Health Florence Medical Center
Recruitment Contact
Sarah English
(843) 876-0582

In Our DNA SC: A Helix Research Network Study

Date Added
October 19th, 2021
PRO Number
Daniel Judge

List of Studies

Genetics, Healthy Volunteer Studies

The purpose of this project is to study DNA and its connection to your health. DNA is in your blood, your saliva, and other tissues in your body. DNA is the unique instructions you are born with that tells your body how to work. By looking at DNA, you can learn information about your health, certain traits, and even your ancestral roots. DNA is also called your genetic information. DNA is mostly the same from person to person. But everyone's DNA is slightly different. We are still learning how DNA impacts health. This study will look at the DNA of many different people from many different backgrounds and compare it to information in their health records. The goal is to understand how learning about DNA can help improve health care for individuals, families, and the community.

Participants will provide a sample for DNA sequencing. Sequencing is the process of reading the letters of your DNA. This study may sequence your whole genome. Over time, you may be asked to provide additional samples for research purposes. The research team will collect health information about you from your medical record and may ask you questions about your health using surveys or other data collection method.

MUSC Health Lancaster Medical Center
Recruitment Contact
Sarah English
(843) 876-0582

In Our DNA SC: A Helix Research Network Study

Date Added
October 19th, 2021
PRO Number
Daniel Judge

List of Studies

Genetics, Healthy Volunteer Studies

The purpose of this project is to study DNA and its connection to your health. DNA is in your blood, your saliva, and other tissues in your body. DNA is the unique instructions you are born with that tells your body how to work. By looking at DNA, you can learn information about your health, certain traits, and even your ancestral roots. DNA is also called your genetic information. DNA is mostly the same from person to person. But everyone's DNA is slightly different. We are still learning how DNA impacts health. This study will look at the DNA of many different people from many different backgrounds and compare it to information in their health records. The goal is to understand how learning about DNA can help improve health care for individuals, families, and the community.

Participants will provide a sample for DNA sequencing. Sequencing is the process of reading the letters of your DNA. This study may sequence your whole genome. Over time, you may be asked to provide additional samples for research purposes. The research team will collect health information about you from your medical record and may ask you questions about your health using surveys or other data collection method.

MUSC Health Columbia Medical Center
Recruitment Contact
Sarah English
(843) 876-0582

A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Multiple-Center, Efficacy and Safety Study of ZYN002 Administered as a Transdermal Gel to Children and Adolescents with Fragile X Syndrome

Date Added
June 25th, 2021
PRO Number
Caroline Buchanan

List of Studies


The Drug Product ZYN002 is a transdermal CBD gel. CBD is the primary non-euphoric cannabinoid contained in the Cannabis sativa L. plant. The CBD contained within ZYN002 is a pharmaceutically produced Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) that is chemically identical to the CBD present in Cannabis. ZYN002 is currently being evaluated in clinical trials in children and adolescents with Fragile X Syndrome (FXS), autism spectrum disorder, 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, and developmental and epileptic encephalopathies. The safety and efficacy of ZYN002 in the treatment of behavioral symptoms in children and adolescents with FXS has been evaluated in three studies: Study ZYN2-CL-009, a completed open-label, multiple-center, multiple-dose study (n=20); Study ZYN2-CL-016, a completed randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multiple-center study (n=212 randomized); and Study ZYN2-CL-017, an ongoing open-label extension and expanded access study to assess the long-term safety and tolerability of ZYN002 (n=240). The present protocol for ZYN2-CL-033 (RECONNECT) is designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of ZYN002 for the treatment and behavioral symptoms in children and adolescents with genetic evidence of full mutation FXS. Qualified subjects that complete ZYN2-CL-033 will have the opportunity to roll over to the open label ZYN2-CL-017 study.

Self Regional Healthcare
Recruitment Contact
Sarah English

Assessment of myocardial Damage and Encephalopathy by Repeated Trauma (ALERT)

Date Added
May 18th, 2021
PRO Number
Federica del Monte

List of Studies

Brain, Dementia, Genetics, Heart

Two groups of former athletes (who competed in contact and not-contact sports) will undergo brain and heart assessments. Additionally, blood and urines samples will be collected in order to investigate potential markers of disease.

Recruitment Contact
Gianlorenzo Daniele
(843) 442-6981

Molecular links between Alzheimer's Disease and Cardiomyopathy

Date Added
June 16th, 2020
PRO Number
Federica del Monte

List of Studies

Alzheimers, Dementia, Genetics, Heart

Patients with Alzheimer Disease and patients with Heart failure (and a control group free from both the previous mentioned conditions) will be evaluated with cardiac and neuropsychological assessments, in order to investigate the relationship between the two conditions. The study consists of two initial visits, and a 4- and 8-year follow-up visit.

Recruitment Contact
Camilla Bacchin

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