This study will evaluate the associations and interactions between bar-lab/naturalistic drinking variables with participant characteristics in individuals with bipolar disorder and alcohol use disorder. This study includes 4 study visits over approximately 1 week. Questionnaires and clinical interview measures will be completed at study visits.
The purpose of this two-visit brain imaging (magnetic resonance imaging, MRI) study is to identify brain targets for improving treatment and preventative interventions for individuals at risk for co-occurring bipolar disorder and alcohol use disorder. The preliminary visit for a parent and his/her biological child will include completion of clinical interviews, surveys, and labwork to determine study eligibility. If they are considered eligible for the study, brain imaging visits will occur within 1-2 weeks at which a 1-hour MRI will be completed along with additional clinical interviews, surveys, and labwork. Brief follow-up phone call interviews will be completed with participants every 3 months for 1 year. Study participation is confidential and compensated.