This is a research study to find out if Qutenza 8% capsaicin topical system is safe and effective when treating subjects with lower back pain (LBP) that is caused by damage at or near the nerve's root in the lower back leg (lumbosacral radiculopathy) which is pain that can move all the way down the back of the leg. The pain may also start outside of the spinal cord, in the peripheral nerves and may also be felt all the way down the back of the leg (neuropathic LBP). Qutenza 8% capsaicin, the study drug, is currently FDA approved to treat nerve pain after a shingles outbreak in addition to a type of nerve pain in the feet associated with diabetes. In this study a maximum of four patches per visit (sized 14cm x 20 cm) will be used to deliver the Qutenza 8% capsaicin to your skin.
If a subject meets the qualifications for this study, in addition to their standard of care for their LBP, they will be treated with Qutenza 8% capsaicin topical system and can expect to have a total of 5 visits in a 12 month period. Each visit will require subjects to fill out several surveys and receive treatment patches for their LBP (your doctor will decide if you will need to be retreated at each visit based on your symptoms). This is an open-label study and all participants will receive Qutenza 8% capsaicin topical system. The study visits are estimated to take 90 minutes upwards to 120 minutes.