The APEX 3D™ Total Ankle Replacement System is intended to reduce pain and restore motion to a failing ankle joint due to rheumatoid, post-traumatic, or degenerative arthritis. In 2020, the APEX 3D™ Total Ankle Replacement System received 510(K) clearance from the FDA, demonstrating that the device is marketed as safe and effective. The primary objective of this research study is to determine implant survivorship. Enrollment is expected to take approximately one to two years. All subjects will be followed for ten years post-operatively. Study follow-up visits will occur at 6-weeks, 6-months, and annually for ten years after surgery. During the pre-operative visit and each follow-up visit, subjects will be asked to complete a series of questionnaires that assess their levels of pain, function, mobility, and quality of life. Comparison of pre-operative scores to post-operative scores can be used to assess the improvement in patient function, thus supporting the benefit and clinical performance of the intervention. As with any clinical research study, there is a risk of unintended personal health information disclosure.
The goal of this randomized controlled trial is to analyze return to pre-injury activity level on subjects with lateral ankle instability undergoing a modified Broström reconstruction procedure for repair of the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL). The subjects undergoing ATFL reconstructive procedure using the Artelon FLEXBAND® system as an augmentation device will be compared to subjects undergoing a standard modified Broström procedure alone. Artelon FLEXBAND is a commercially available, polycaprolactone (PCL) polyurethane urea (PUUR) multipolymer synthetic knitted mesh that is used for soft tissue reinforcement procedures. The device is biocompatible and degradable and has been used as an augmentation device in over 50,000 Orthopedic tendon and ligament reconstructive procedures. Artelon FLEXBAND has received its FDA 510(k) clearance. Enrollment is expected to take approximately 1 year. All subjects will be followed for 2 years post-operatively for a total study duration of approximately 3 years. Study follow-up visits will occur at 2-, 6-, 12-, 18- and 26-weeks, and 1- and 2-years after surgery. Possible, anticipated procedure-related risks associated with using the FLEXBAND device include, but are not limited to, infections, both deep and superficial, allergies or other reaction to device materials, dislocation, subluxation or inadequate scope of movement as a result of failure to achieve optimum positioning of the implant, bone fractures as a result of one-sided overload or weakened bone structure, temporary or permanent nerve damage as a result of pressure or hematoma, wound hematoma, and delayed wound healing. Benefits include improvement in function, including return to pre-injury activity levels.