This study is for participants who have tricuspid regurgitation, a condition in which your heart's tricuspid valve does not close tightly which causes blood to flow backwards in the incorrect direction. This condition increases the workload on the heart and if left untreated, it can increase the risk of worsening heart failure. In this study, a device called the VDyne Transcatheter Tricuspid Replacement System will be used to treat the tricuspid regurgitation. The VDyne Transcatheter Tricsupid Replacement System is an investigational device meaning it has not been approved for commercial use by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In this study all eligible participants will be treated with the device.
Participation in this study will last about 5 years and involve up to 13 visits. Study related procedures include a right heart catheterization (test to measure the pressures in the heart), echocardiograms (ultrasound test of heart), electrocardiogram or ECG (test of the heart's electrical system) blood work, questionnaires, hall walk test, and physical exam.
There are risks associated with this study including potential risks with the device, implant procedure and study related procedures. There is also the risk of loss of confidentiality. The study may or may not benefit you but the information learned may benefit others with this condition in the future.
The purpose of this study is to better understand how surgical factors affect the length of the vagina after pelvic surgery. This will be accomplished by measuring the length of the vagina during routine surgical steps as well as at the postoperative visit. This information will be used to help continue improving pelvic surgical technique.
While blood clots after major cancer surgery are common and harmful to patients, the medications available to decrease blood clot risk are seldom used despite the recommendation of multiple professional medical societies. The reasons why these medications are seldom prescribed is not well understood. We aim to characterize barriers and facilitators to extended blood clot prophylaxis guideline adherence as perceived by stakeholders via interviews with a diverse group of patients and surgeons at hospitals within the MUSC Health system that routinely perform cancer surgery. These findings will inform educational interventions to improve the use of guideline concordant care and mitigate observed disparities in cancer care.
While blood clots after major cancer surgery are common and harmful to patients, the medications available to decrease blood clot risk are seldom used despite the recommendation of multiple professional medical societies. The reasons why these medications are seldom prescribed is not well understood. We aim to characterize barriers and facilitators to extended blood clot prophylaxis guideline adherence as perceived by stakeholders via interviews with a diverse group of patients and surgeons at hospitals within the MUSC Health system that routinely perform cancer surgery. These findings will inform educational interventions to improve the use of guideline concordant care and mitigate observed disparities in cancer care.
While blood clots after major cancer surgery are common and harmful to patients, the medications available to decrease blood clot risk are seldom used despite the recommendation of multiple professional medical societies. The reasons why these medications are seldom prescribed is not well understood. We aim to characterize barriers and facilitators to extended blood clot prophylaxis guideline adherence as perceived by stakeholders via interviews with a diverse group of patients and surgeons at hospitals within the MUSC Health system that routinely perform cancer surgery. These findings will inform educational interventions to improve the use of guideline concordant care and mitigate observed disparities in cancer care.
While blood clots after major cancer surgery are common and harmful to patients, the medications available to decrease blood clot risk are seldom used despite the recommendation of multiple professional medical societies. The reasons why these medications are seldom prescribed is not well understood. We aim to characterize barriers and facilitators to extended blood clot prophylaxis guideline adherence as perceived by stakeholders via interviews with a diverse group of patients and surgeons at hospitals within the MUSC Health system that routinely perform cancer surgery. These findings will inform educational interventions to improve the use of guideline concordant care and mitigate observed disparities in cancer care.
This is an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) clinical research trial (referred to also as a trial or a research trial) sponsored by AtriCure, Inc (the Sponsor) to learn whether the use of the AtriClip® LAA Exclusion System to close off your left atrial appendage (LAA) during your heart surgery will reduce the risk of stroke. The AtriClip has not been well studied or approved by the FDA for stroke prevention; therefore, this procedure is considered investigational.
There are two classes of drugs for preventing blood clots in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), an irregular heartbeat, after cardiac surgery: antiplatelet drugs (like aspirin) and anticoagulants (blood thinners). This study aims to determine whether the addition of blood thinners to antiplatelet drugs will improve treatment outcomes in patients who develop AF after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery.
In this study, you will be randomized (assigned to a group by chance--like flipping a coin) into one of 2 study groups; the assignment to receive the antiplatelet drug alone or the antiplatelet drug plus a blood thinner.
Before discharge from the hospital, you will undergo an electrocardiogram (ECG), which examines the electrical activity of your heart. At 1 and 2 months after randomization, you will receive a phone call from the study staff. At 3 months after randomization, you will return to the institution where you received your surgery for an in-person visit. At 6 months, you will receive a phone call from the study staff. Your total participation will be about 6 months.
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that the continuous use of negative pressure dressings for up to 14 days has similar benefits and risks to the continuous use for up to 7 days. The 3M study product being used in this study includes the PREVENA Plus Incision Management System with PREVENA Dressings (Peel & Place, Customizable and ARTHRO●FORM). The study product is considered investigational because it has not been approved by the FDA for continuous use for up to 14 days. It is currently approved for use for up to 7 days.
The purpose of this research study is to find out if AMDS is safe and effective in the treatment of acute dissection (sudden tear). For patients whose aortic anatomy is suitable for treatment with AMDS, the use of this device may promote healing of the aortic walls and possibly reduce the need for additional aortic surgeries. If conventional surgery, in combination with AMDS, is effective, it is believed that this could lead to improved aortic healing; an improvement in healing could reduce the risk of hospitalization and reoperation in the chest compared to conventional surgery alone.