The Global Paradise® System US Post Approval Study (US GPS)

Date Added
August 13th, 2024
PRO Number
Thomas Todoran

List of Studies

Hypertension/ High Blood Pressure

This study will enroll two groups of participants. The first group are those who participated in the RADIANCE CAP study, so have already undergone the renal denervation procedure. Those participants can enroll in this post approval study which will entail yearly follow up visits or telephone calls, blood pressure monitoring and questionnaires. The second group of participants are those scheduled to undergo a procedure called renal denervation for the treatment of high blood pressure that has not responded adequately to medications and lifestyle changes. Renal denervation is a procedure which uses a catheter (thin hollow tube) placed in the renal arteries (blood vessels that go to the kidneys) to deliver ultrasound energy. This energy will heat up a small area of tissue around the renal arteries to disable nerves that are surrounding the blood vessels as a way to help reduce blood pressure. Study visits include screening, procedure, discharge, months 1, 3, 6 and 12 then yearly for up to 5 years. Study procedures for this group includes blood work and urine studies, blood pressure monitoring, questionnaires, a follow up ultrasound of your kidneys and the blood vessels around the kidneys. Study related risks include loss of confidentiality, blood draw risks and unknown risks.

Recruitment Contact
Anthony Awkar

Pulmonary Artery Denervation Clinical Study using the Gradient Denervation System in Heart Failure Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension Group 2

Date Added
March 26th, 2024
PRO Number
Thomas Todoran

List of Studies

Cardiovascular, Heart, Pulmonary Hypertension

This study is for patients who have heart failure with pulmonary hypertension. Heart failure means that the heart cannot pump blood as well as normal. Pulmonary hypertension happens when the pressure in the blood vessels leading from the heart to the lungs is too high, blood flowing through the lungs is limited, and the pressure in the lungs increases when you are physically active, causing symptoms of shortness of breath and tiredness.

The study uses the Gradient device to see if can help treat heart failure with pulmonary hypertension. This device and therapy is still investigational, which means it is currently not approved by a regulatory agency (such as U.S Food and Drug Administration) for regular hospital use and it includes only individuals who choose to take part. Risks in this study include those for standard cardiac catheterization techniques and the administration of anesthesia including allergic reactions, low blood pressure, skin rash, or difficulty breathing; however, all of the risks may not be known. The study will last approximately 3 years and includes the following visits: Baseline/Screening, Procedure, Discharge, 1 month, 6 months and visits annually for 3 years. Study related procedures include a physical exam, blood testing, 6 minute walk test, echocardiogram, CT scan and a Right heart catheterization.

Recruitment Contact
Anthony Awkar
843 876-5009

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