This study is for subjects that have been diagnosed with cancer in their
arm, leg, or trunk (the part of the body that involves the chest, abdomen,
and pelvis). The purpose of this research study is to preserve healthy
tissue around the cancer on the arm(s) and/or leg(s) using
hypofractionated radiotherapy, while treating the cancer and preventing
it from spreading to other areas of the body. This study will look at early side effects and effectiveness of preoperative 5-day hypofractionated radiotherapy. Active participation in the study will take about 12 visits and are completed once the participant has a 6-month post-operation visit.
This study is for subjects that have been diagnosed with cancer in their arm, leg, or trunk (the part of the body that involves the chest, abdomen, and pelvis). The purpose of this research study is to preserve healthy tissue around the cancer on the arm(s) and/or leg(s) using Hypofractionated Radiotherapy, while treating the cancer and preventing it from spreading to other areas of the body. Participation in the study will take about 15 visits over a period of 15 months.
This study is for patients who have been diagnosed with breast cancer and their doctor has recommended that they receive radiation therapy after their mastectomy to reduce the risk of their breast cancer coming back. This study is being done to see if the severity of skin redness and peeling in the area of radiation can be reduced by applying Mepitel Film during radiation therapy.
This study is for patients that have been diagnosed with recurrent or new head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Patients either have had a recurrence (the tumor has comeback) or a new head and neck cancer in a different area of the head and neck (second primary) which has been removed by surgery. The study drug used is called pembrolizumab. The purpose of this study is to see if adding pembrolizumab to radiation or if using pembrolizumab by itself after surgery compared to the usual approaches with chemotherapy and radiation will increase life expectancy. Participants can expect to be on this study for up to 12 months and then followed for 5 years.
This study is for patients who have low risk breast cancer as indicated by their Oncotype DX Recurrence Score. The purpose of this study is to compare any good and bad effects of not giving regional radiotherapy to using regional radiotherapy.