Development and Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Tool for At-Risk Trauma-Exposed Young People

Date Added
February 22nd, 2021
PRO Number
Carla Danielson

List of Studies

Adolescents, HIV / AIDS, Substance Use

Human subjects are being recruited for the proposed study to participate in usability testing for a virtual reality technology tool to be refined for assessment and prevention of risky sexual and substance use behaviors. Specifically, 15 adolescents, 15 young men, and 15 front line health care providers will participate in qualitative interviews and focus groups. Targeted enrollment is based on estimates from the existing clinical population treated by the local clinics from which participants will be recruited and the candidate's experience conducting clinical studies at these sites.

Phase 3 sample will include 20 adolescents, 20 young men, and 10 frontline health care workers. They will complete assessments/interviews, a brief emotion regulation skills training, and a simulation using a refined virtual reality tool.

Recruitment Contact
Nathalie Slick
843) 408-6140

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