This study is for subjects that have been diagnosed with cancer, as well as healthy research subjects. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the risk factors for development of immune related adverse side effects from cancer immunotherapy and to evaluate differences from healthy research subjects. Participation in the study will take about 2 visits over a period of 6 months.
This study will be looking at biopsies taken from mediastinal lymph nodes and a blood sample from patients who have known or suspected metastatic lung cancer. These two samples will be compared using next-gen sequencing to explore if either sampling method offers better results.
The purpose of this research is to evaluate if including the investigational Nodify XL2 test results in the decision-making process when planning the management of lung nodules will reduce the number of unnecessary surgical and biopsy procedures. The general study procedures include obtaining blood samples for Nodify XL2 tests, collecting relevant medical information (including test results ordered by your doctor in the management of your lung nodule), and documenting your doctor's recommendations for the treatment of your lung nodule. Participation in this research study may last up to 18 months.
This study is for patients that have been diagnosed with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC).The investigational drug used in this study is CLN-081.
This study has 3 parts; Phase 1 Dose Escalation, Phase 1 Dose Expansion, and Phase 2a Dose Expansion:
-Phase 1 Dose Escalation: The main aim of this part of the study is to find a maximum tolerated dose for CLN-081. This will be done by slowly increasing the dose given to each participant or to small groups of participants until certain adverse effects are seen. All participants will be closely monitored by the study doctor and team. When the maximum tolerated dose has been found, it will be used in the subsequent parts of the study.
-Phase 1 Dose Expansion: In this part of the study more participants will receive the maximum tolerated dose to confirm the safety of this dose of the study medicine and to explore different dosing schedules, for example, taking the study medicine once a day versus twice a day.
-Phase 2a Dose Expansion: The main aim of this part of the study will be to see how well the study medicine works in reducing tumor size.
Participants can expect to be on this study for about 3 years.
This study is for patients that have been diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer. The purpose of this study is to find out if a targeted immunotherapy treatment will have an effect on specific genes and proteins in tumors. This is a screening study in which a tumor sample will be submitted for testing. Based on results, the participant will be assigned to one of the treatment sub-studies.