This study will include all adult (18 years or older) patients who received a heart transplantation at MUSC. This study will conduct a chart review of all adult heart transplant participants to understand how different variables including, donor and recipient comorbidities, donor and recipient medical history, donor and recipient social determinants of health, recipient length of time on transplant waitlist, donor cause of death (morbidity), donor conditions when harvested, recipient presence of mechanical circulatory support (MCS) (temporary or permanent), recipient reason for transplant, recipient use of inotropes and/or vasopressors, recipient pre-transplant lab values, recipient pre-transplant ECHO, recipient pre-transplant right heart catheterization (RHC), donor lab and test values, other donor and recipient imaging studies, recipient surgical time and patient stay data, donor-recipient prediction heart mass (PHM) ratio, recipient medications, donor medications, post-transplant follow-up data, as well as other donor and/or recipient variables, will affect heart transplant outcomes.
This study involves research. You are being asked to participate in this research study to have your temperature taken. The purpose of the study is to collect data to test a temperature measurement module that is part of medical study device that measure's human body temperature.