The EPACRA- AKI study is a multicenter observational, non- interventional study, to determine actionable cut-off(s) for ProNephro AKITM (NGAL) assay to predict patients at risk for AKI in the general adult ICU population and subgroups of particular interest, such as sepsis or cardiac surgery patients.
Subject enrollment duration is anticipated for 12 months but might be extended or shortened depending on enrollment.
The purpose of this study is to compare the safety and efficacy of the PMX cartridge ( Toramyxin) (in Addition to Standard Medical Care for Patients with Endotoxemic Septic Shock:
Eligible and consented subjects will be randomized to receive either the PMX cartridge (administered twice for 1½ to 2 hours per treatment session approximately 24 hours apart) plus standard medical care or standard medical care alone. For all subjects in whom treatment has been initiated, a follow-up visit (if they are still in the hospital) or a telephone call will be completed at Day 28 (or later) to determine their mortality status. In surviving subjects, a follow-up visit or telephone call to determine their mortality status will also take place at approximately three months (i.e. Day 90) and 12 months after the subject was randomized.