This study is for patients receiving oxaliplatin for their cancer treatment. The study is being done to see if duloxetine (either 30 mg or 60 mg) prevents numbness, tingling, and/or pain caused by your cancer treatment with oxaliplatin. The study is being done to see if duloxetine can prevent OIPN (oxaliplatin-induced peripheral neuropathy).
This is a two armed multicenter cluster randomized controlled trial (RCT), to assess the effectiveness of two pragmatic PC models for patients with ESLD (Consultative PC vs. Trained hepatologist led PC). To prevent bias at the level of providers, randomization will take place at the level of clinical centers; however patients will be the unit of inference. Parallel to this cluster-RCT, a qualitative study will be undertaken to evaluate the patient/caregiver experiences in the two PC models, using semi structured interviews.
To execute this project, Duke has identified 19 clinical centers to participate; 8 Veterans Health Administration (VHA) systems and 11 non-VHA, Academic Medical Centers.
Comparative Approaches:
1.Consultative PC led approach (Model 1): The PC model will include: 1) routine PC consults, using a standardized checklist , 2) in-person visits at initial, 1 and 3 months.
2.Trained hepatologist led PC (Model 2): The Hepatologist Led PC model will comprise: 1) Hepatologist training (through E Learning modules), and 2) in person visits utilizing the same PC checklist as utilized in Model 1. The in-person visits will occur at initial, 1 and 3 months i.e. similar to Model 1 and follow the same visit specified agenda.
MUSC has been assigned to the Model 2 approach, "Hepatologist led Palliative Care" to be lead by Dr. Don Rockey and Dr. Heather Simpson.
Adult patients 18 years of age or older will be enrolled. With 14 clinical centers in different geographic locations and diversity in race/ ethnicity, 1260 patient/ caregiver dyads will be enrolled.