When creating a new study application via Click e-IRB

To input study directory information:

  • When creating a new study application within click e-IRB
    • In the ‘Study Identification Information’ Smartform (see below), include a succinct, lay summary in the ‘Brief Study Summary’ box. The information entered here will appear to the public on the website.
    • Note: After the study is IRB approved, an IRB amendment must be submitted to edit this language.
    • In the ‘SC Research Studies Directory’ Smartform section:
      • Ensure the box is checked in the ‘Post Study’ section

      • Enter Contact Information: Provide the first name, last name, phone number (including area code) and e-mail address of the person you would like the public to contact regarding recruitment for your study.
      • Keywords: check all keywords as appropriate to associate with your study

      • You will be presented with a preview page of how your study’s posting will appear online. Follow the instructions on the screen and carefully review this information prior to submitting your application to the IRB.

        Click "Continue" if no edits are required and complete the remainder of the study application questions as required. Click "Continue" if no edits are required and complete the remainder of the study application questions as required.

Additional Information

When your study is no longer approved at the IRB, it will automatically be removed from the public view.

Please note registration of your study on this website does NOT meet the federally mandated requirements of registering with clinicaltrials.gov. To do this, go to http://prsinfo.clinicaltrials.gov

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