Leveraging Technology to Reduce Disparities and Improve Early Detection of and Timely Care for Postpartum Complications

Date Added
November 7th, 2023
PRO Number
Constance Guille

List of Studies

Mental Health, Minorities, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Post Partum Depression, Pregnancy, Psychiatry, Women's Health

The purpose of the study is to learn if a program for newborn mom's can improve detection of complications after delivery and help women get medical care quickly and easily. Participants will be asked to complete a survey at the time of enrollment and at 4 additional times. All surveys can be completed via cell-phone or email. All women will be followed for 1-year after delivery. Women that enroll will be assigned to one of two groups: usual in person care OR usual in-person care PLUS a text message-based program that will ask about sign and symptoms of complications that may occur after delivery. If there is a concern, a care coordinator will call on the phone to discuss options and help refer to care if needed. Participants will be paid for their time in completing surveys.

Recruitment Contact
Katie Tremont

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